Nicholas Phelps
Cited by
Cited by
Contrasts in agglomeration: proto-industrial, industrial and post-industrial forms compared
NA Phelps, T Ozawa
Progress in human geography 27 (5), 583-604, 2003
Multinationals, intracorporate competition, and regional development
NA Phelps, C Fuller
Economic Geography 76 (3), 224-243, 2000
Clusters, dispersion and the spaces in between: For an economic geography of the banal
NA Phelps
Clusters in Urban and Regional Development, 1-19, 2013
Embedding the multinationals? Institutions and the development of overseas manufacturing affiliates in Wales and North East England
NA Phelps, D Mackinnon, I Stone, P Braidford
Regional studies 37 (1), 27-40, 2003
The new post-suburban politics?
NA Phelps, AM Wood
Urban Studies 48 (12), 2591-2610, 2011
Post-suburban Europe: planning and politics at the margins of Europe's capital cities
NA Phelps, N Parsons, D Ballas, A Dowling
Springer, 2006
Small firms, borrowed size and the urban‐rural shift
NA Phelps, RJ Fallon, CL Williams
Regional studies 35 (7), 613-624, 2001
A postsuburban world? An outline of a research agenda
NA Phelps, AM Wood, DC Valler
Environment and Planning A 42 (2), 366-383, 2010
Encore for the enclave: the changing nature of the industry enclave with illustrations from the mining industry in Chile
NA Phelps, M Atienza, M Arias
Economic geography 91 (2), 119-146, 2015
Cluster or capture? Manufacturing foreign direct investment, external economies and agglomeration
NA Phelps
Regional Studies 42 (4), 457-473, 2008
(Post) suburban development and state entrepreneurialism in Beijing's outer suburbs
F Wu, NA Phelps
Environment and Planning A 43 (2), 410-430, 2011
External economies, agglomeration and flexible accumulation
NA Phelps
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 35-46, 1992
Branch plants and the evolving spatial division of labour: a study of material linkage change in the Northern Region of England
NA Phelps
Regional Studies 27 (2), 87-101, 1993
Scratching the surface of collaborative and associative governance: identifying the diversity of social action in institutional capacity building
NA Phelps, M Tewdwr-Jones
Environment and planning A 32 (1), 111-130, 2000
An invitation to the dark side of economic geography
NA Phelps, M Atienza, M Arias
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 50 (1), 236-244, 2018
Megalopolis unbound: Knowledge collaboration and functional polycentricity within and beyond the Yangtze River Delta Region in China, 2014
Y Li, N Phelps
Urban Studies 55 (2), 443-460, 2018
Multinationals and European integration: Trade, investment and regional development
NA Phelps
Routledge, 2013
Varieties of urban entrepreneurialism
NA Phelps, JT Miao
Dialogues in Human Geography 10 (3), 304-321, 2020
Tying the firm to the region or tying the region to the firm? Early observations on the case of LG in South Wales
NA Phelps, J Lovering, K Morgan
European Urban and Regional Studies 5 (2), 119-137, 1998
International perspectives on suburbanization
NA Phelps, F Wu
Palgrave Macmillan, 2011
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Articles 1–20