Associate Professor Maxwell Winchester
Associate Professor Maxwell Winchester
First Year College, Victoria University
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Cited by
An empirical confirmation of segments in the Australian wine market
J Hall
International Journal of Wine Marketing 11 (1), 19-35, 1999
Positive and negative brand beliefs and brand defection/uptake
M Winchester, J Romaniuk, S Bogomolova
European Journal of Marketing 42 (5/6), 553-570, 2008
A longitudinal investigation of the impact of faculty reflective practices on students' evaluations of teaching
T Winchester, M Winchester
British Journal of Educational Technology, 2013
Negative brand beliefs and brand usage
M Winchester, J Romaniuk
International Journal of Market Research 50 (3), 355-375, 2008
What's really driving wine consumers?
J Hall, M Winchester
If you build it will they come?; Exploring the student perspective of weekly student evaluations of teaching
MK Winchester, TM Winchester
Assessment & evaluation in higher education 37 (6), 671-682, 2012
Focus on your customer through segmentation
J Hall, M Winchester
The Australian and New Zealand Wine Industry Journal 15 (2), 93-96, 2000
Exploring the impact of faculty reflection on weekly student evaluations of teaching
TM Winchester, M Winchester
International Journal for Academic Development 16 (2), 119-131, 2011
Seeking romance and a once in a life-time experience: Considering attributes that attract honeymooners to destinations
M Winchester, T Winchester, F Alvey, H Adams
ANZMAC 2011 conference proceedings: Marketing in the Age of Consumerism …, 2011
Empirical analysis of Spawton’s (1991) segmentation of the Australian wine market
J Hall, M Winchester
Asia Pacific Advances in Consumer Research 4, 319-327, 2001
Brand user profiles seldom change and seldom differ
Z Anesbury, M Winchester, R Kennedy
Marketing Letters 28, 523-535, 2017
Do radio stations in New Zealand target successfully?
M Winchester, G Lees
Australasian Marketing Journal 21 (1), 52-58, 2013
Evaluative and descriptive response patterns to negative image attributes
M Winchester, J Romaniuk
European Marketing Academy, 2003
Calibrating your brand image measurement technique by utilising empirical generalisations
MK Winchester, M Fletcher
Journal of Brand Management 8 (2), 99-110, 2000
Extending the double jeopardy and duplication of purchase laws to the wine market
D Wilson, M Winchester
International Journal of Wine business research 31 (2), 163-179, 2019
Demographic product segmentation in financial services products in Australia and New Zealand
G Lees, M Winchester, S De Silva
Journal of Financial Services Marketing 21, 240-250, 2016
An exploration of consumer attitudes and purchasing patterns in fair trade coffee and tea
M Winchester, R Arding, M Nenycz-Thiel
Journal of Food Products Marketing 21 (5), 552-567, 2015
Exploring academics’ approaches to managing team assessment
N Augar, CJ Woodley, D Whitefield, M Winchester
International Journal of Educational Management 30 (6), 1150-1162, 2016
Block teaching and active learning improves academic outcomes for disadvantaged undergraduate groups
M Winchester, R Klein, P Sinnayah
Issues in Educational Research 31 (4), 1330-1350, 2021
The VU way: The effect of intensive block mode teaching on repeating students
R Klein, K Kelly, P Sinnayah, M Winchester
International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education 27 (9), 2019
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Articles 1–20