Spyros Papadakis
Spyros Papadakis
Organizational Coordinator, RCEP in Western Greece. C.S, Adjunct faculty Hellenic Open University
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Cited by
Implementing a flipped classroom: a case study of biology teaching in a greek high school
A Garıou-papalexıou, S Papadakıs, İ Georgıadu
Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education 18 (3), 47-65, 2017
Evaluation of the effectiveness of a web-based learning design for adult computer science courses
K Antonis, T Daradoumis, S Papadakis, C Simos
IEEE Transactions on Education 54 (3), 374-380, 2010
Technology Acceptance and Social Presence in Distance Education--A Case Study on the Use of Teleconference at a Postgraduate Course of the Hellenic Open University.
I Mavroidis, A Karatrantou, M Koutsouba, Y Giossos, S Papadakis
European Journal of Open, Distance and E-learning 16 (2), 76-96, 2013
Teachers’ views regarding learning analytics usage based on the technology acceptance model
A Mavroudi, S Papadakis, I Ioannou
TechTrends 65 (3), 278-287, 2021
Learner’s version of a professional environment: film subtitling as an ICTE tool for foreign language learning
T Hadzilacos, S Papadakis, S Sokoli
E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare …, 2004
Integrating LMSs in the educational process: Greek teachers’ initial perceptions about LAMS
S Papadakıs, N Dovros, G Paschalıs, E Rossıou
Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education 13 (4), 55-75, 2012
Educational games in higher education: A case study in teaching recursive algorithms
E Rossiou, S Papadakis
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Education in a …, 2007
How to design and implement a flipped classroom lesson: A bottom up procedure for more effective lessons
S Papadakis, A Gariou-Papalexiou, N Makrodimos
Open Journal for Educational Research 3 (2), 2019
Flipped classroom
N Makrodimos, S Papadakis, M Koutsouba
primary schools: a Greek case. Στο Α. Λιοναράκης (επιμ.), Learning Design …, 2017
Motivating K-12 students learning fundamental Computer Science concepts with App Inventor
G Chatzinikolakis, S Papadakis
2014 International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication …, 2014
Providing tools for the development of cognitive skills in the context of Learning Design-based e-learning environments
M Kordaki, S Papadakis, T Hadzilacos
E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare …, 2007
Learning Design: the views of prospective computer professionals
M Kordaki, S Papadakis, T Hadzilacos
Proceedings of Informatics Education Europe II Conference, 2-11, 2007
Using Blended Learning in Traditional Face-to-Face Instruction: A case study teaching Algorithms to undergraduate students.
S Papadakis, K Paparrizos, E Rossiou
E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare …, 2006
Ομαδικές Συμβουλευτικές Τηλε-Συναντήσεις (ΟΣΤ): Εμπειρία και Συμπεράσματα από την εξ Αποστάσεως Υποστήριξη των φοιτητών του ΕΑΠ στα Μαθηματικά μέσω Εικονικών Τάξεων
T Hadzilacos, S Papadakis, E Rossiou
Ανοικτή Εκπαίδευση: το περιοδικό για την Ανοικτή και εξ Αποστάσεως …, 2010
Applying Online Multiplayer Educational Games based on Generic Shells to Enhance Learning of Recursive Algorithms: Students' Preliminary Results
E Rossiou, S Papadakis
Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Games Based Learning 373, 2008
Flipped classroom with teams-based learning in emergency higher education: methodology and results
K Antonis, P Lampsas, I Katsenos, S Papadakis, SM Stamouli
Education and Information Technologies 28 (5), 5279-5295, 2023
Enhancing critical thinking by providing cognitive skill-based question wizards in LAMS activities
S Papadakis, E Ghiglione
2008 European LAMS Conference: Practical Benefits of Learning Design, June …, 2008
The use of educational scenarios using state-of-the-art it technologies such as ubiquitous computing, mobile computing and the internet of things as an incentive to choose a …
K Magdalinou, S Papadakis
Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning: Proceedings of …, 2018
Distance school education. Systematic review of the Greek and international literature
P Kelenidou, P Antoniou, S Papadakis
International Conference on Open & Distance Education 9 (2), 168-184, 2017
A Methodology For Developing Blended Courses Integrated With Web 2.0 Technologies
C Holotescu, CN Karagianni, S Papadakis, G Grosseck
8th European Conference E-COMM-LINE, 20-22, 2007
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Articles 1–20