Joshua M. Garber
Joshua M. Garber
Assistant Research Professor, Penn State University
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Synchronous formation of the metamorphic sole and igneous crust of the Semail ophiolite: New constraints on the tectonic evolution during ophiolite formation from high …
M Rioux, J Garber, A Bauer, S Bowring, M Searle, P Kelemen, B Hacker
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 451, 185-195, 2016
Controls on trace element uptake in metamorphic titanite: Implications for petrochronology
JM Garber, BR Hacker, ARC Kylander-Clark, M Stearns, G Seward
Journal of Petrology 58 (6), 1031-1057, 2017
Applications and limitations of U-Pb thermochronology to middle and lower crustal thermal histories
AJ Smye, JH Marsh, P Vermeesch, JM Garber, DF Stockli
Chemical Geology 494, 1-18, 2018
Multidisciplinary constraints on the abundance of diamond and eclogite in the cratonic lithosphere
JM Garber, S Maurya, JA Hernandez, MS Duncan, L Zeng, HL Zhang, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2018
Structure and metamorphism beneath the obducting Oman ophiolite: Evidence from the Bani Hamid granulites, northern Oman mountains
MP Searle, DJ Waters, JM Garber, M Rioux, AG Cherry, TK Ambrose
Geosphere 11 (6), 1812-1836, 2015
Active crustal differentiation beneath the Rio Grande Rift
JH Cipar, JM Garber, ARC Kylander-Clark, AJ Smye
Nature Geoscience 13 (11), 758-763, 2020
Timing of syenite‐charnockite magmatism and ruby‐and sapphire metamorphism in the Mogok valley region, Myanmar
MP Searle, JM Garber, BR Hacker, K Htun, NJ Gardiner, DJ Waters, ...
Tectonics, e2019TC005998, 2020
Ultramafic carbonated melt‐and auto‐metasomatism in mantle eclogites: Compositional effects and geophysical consequences
S Aulbach, M Massuyeau, J Garber, A Gerdes, LM Heaman, KS Viljoen
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, e2019GC008774, 2020
Linking titanite U–Pb dates to coupled deformation and dissolution–reprecipitation
AC Moser, BR Hacker, GE Gehrels, GGE Seward, ARC Kylander-Clark, ...
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 177 (3), 42, 2022
High‐precision U‐Pb zircon dating of late magmatism in the Samail ophiolite: A record of subduction initiation
M Rioux, JM Garber, M Searle, P Kelemen, S Miyashita, Y Adachi, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2020JB020758, 2021
Petrochronology of Wadi Tayin metamorphic sole metasediment, with implications for the thermal and tectonic evolution of the Samail Ophiolite (Oman/UAE)
JM Garber, M Rioux, ARC Kylander‐Clark, BR Hacker, JD Vervoort, ...
Tectonics, e2020TC006135, 2020
Controls on metamorphic equilibration: the importance of intergranular solubilities mediated by fluid composition
WD Carlson, JD Hixon, JM Garber, RJ Bodnar
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 33 (2), 123-146, 2015
Crustal shortening, exhumation, and strain localization in a collisional orogen: The Bajo Pequeño Shear Zone, Sierra de Pie de Palo, Argentina
JM Garber, SM Roeske, J Warren, SR Mulcahy, WC McClelland, LJ Austin, ...
Tectonics 33 (7), 1277-1303, 2014
Decoupling of zircon U–Pb and trace-element systematics driven by U diffusion in eclogite-facies zircon (Monviso meta-ophiolite, W. Alps)
JM Garber, AJ Smye, MD Feineman, ARC Kylander-Clark, S Matthews
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 175, 1-25, 2020
An exhumation pulse from the nascent Franciscan subduction zone (California, USA)
D Rutte, J Garber, A Kylander‐Clark, PR Renne
Tectonics, e2020TC006305, 2020
Robotic follow-up for human exploration
T Fong, M Bualat, M Deans, B Adams, M Allan, M Altobelli, ...
AIAA SPACE 2010 Conference & Exposition, 8605, 2010
The origin of felsic intrusions within the mantle section of the Samail ophiolite: Geochemical evidence for three distinct mixing and fractionation trends
M Rioux, M Benoit, I Amri, G Ceuleneer, JM Garber, M Searle, K Leal
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2020JB020760, 2021
The habitat of the nascent Chicxulub crater
TJ Bralower, J Cosmidis, MS Fantle, CM Lowery, BH Passey, SPS Gulick, ...
AGU Advances 1 (4), e2020AV000208, 2020
One line on the map: a review of the geological history of the Semail Thrust, Oman-UAE mountains
M Searle, M Rioux, JM Garber
Journal of Structural Geology 158, 104594, 2022
Assembly and Tectonic Evolution of Continental Lower Crust: Monazite Petrochronology of the Ivrea‐Verbano Zone (Val Strona di Omegna)
DC Wyatt, AJ Smye, JM Garber, BR Hacker
Tectonics 41 (3), e2021TC006841, 2022
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