Mark Elgar
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Cited by
Predator vigilance and group size in mammals and birds: a critical review of the empirical evidence
MA Elgar
Biological Reviews 64 (1), 13-33, 1989
Cannibalism: ecology and evolution among diverse taxa
MA Elgar
(No Title), 1, 1992
The evolution of pheromone diversity
MRE Symonds, MA Elgar
Trends in ecology & evolution 23 (4), 220-228, 2008
Gender differences in publication output: towards an unbiased metric of research performance
MRE Symonds, NJ Gemmell, TL Braisher, KL Gorringe, MA Elgar
PloS one 1 (1), e127, 2006
Sexual cannibalism in spiders and other invertebrates
MA Elgar
Cannibalism, 128-155, 1992
Basal metabolic rates in mammals: allometry, phylogeny and ecology
MA Elgar, PH Harvey
Functional ecology, 25-36, 1987
House sparrows establish foraging flocks by giving chirrup calls if the resources are divisible
MA Elgar
Animal behaviour 34, 169-174, 1986
Evolutionary compromise between a few large and many small eggs: comparative evidence in teleost fish
MA Elgar
Oikos, 283-287, 1990
Sperm competition and sexual selection in spiders
MA Elgar, TR Birkhead
Sperm competition and sexual selection 12, 307-39, 1998
Effects of stock grazing on the ground invertebrate fauna of woodland remnants
L Bromham, M Cardillo, AF Bennett, MA Elgar
Australian Journal of Ecology 24 (3), 199-207, 1999
The influence of ants on host plant selection by Jalmenus evagoras, a myrmecophilous lycaenid butterfly
NE Pierce, MA Elgar
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 16, 209-222, 1985
The functional significance of silk decorations of orb-web spiders: a critical review of the empirical evidence
ME Herberstein, CL Craig, JA Coddington, MA Elgar
Biological Reviews 75 (4), 649-669, 2000
Sexual cannibalism in the garden spider Araneus diadematus
MA Elgar, DR Nash
Animal Behaviour 36 (5), 1511-1517, 1988
Female control of paternity in the sexually cannibalistic spider Argiope keyserlingi
MA Elgar, JM Schneider, ME Herberstein
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2000
Evolutionary significance of sexual cannibalism
MA Elgar, JM Schneider
Advances in the Study of Behavior 34 (4), 135-163, 2004
Flocking and predator surveillance in house sparrows: test of an hypothesis
MA Elgar, CP Catterall
Animal behaviour 29 (3), 868-872, 1981
The use of corridors by mammals in fragmented australian eucalypt forests: uso de corredores por mamíferos en bosques de eucalipto en australia
SJ Downes, KA Handasyde, MA Elgar
Conservation biology 11 (3), 718-726, 1997
Sexual cannibalism in orb-weaving spiders: an economic model
JA Newman, MA Elgar
The American Naturalist 138 (6), 1372-1395, 1991
Effects of decomposition on carcass attendance in a guild of carrion‐breeding flies
MS Archer, MA Elgar
Medical and Veterinary Entomology 17 (3), 263-271, 2003
The role of male age, sperm age and mating history on fecundity and fertilization success in the hide beetle
TM Jones, MA Elgar
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004
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Articles 1–20