A. Enis Cetin
Cited by
Cited by
Computer vision based method for real-time fire and flame detection
BU Töreyin, Y Dedeoğlu, U Güdükbay, AE Cetin
Pattern Recognition Lett 27 (1), 49-58, 2006
Wavelet based real-time smoke detection in video
BU Töreyin, Y Dedeoğlu, AE Cetin
2005 13th European signal processing conference, 1-4, 2005
Automatically expanding the zoom capability of a wide-angle video camera
B Ahiska, MK Davey, AE Cetin
US Patent 7,990,422, 2011
Video fire detection–review
AE Çetin, K Dimitropoulos, B Gouverneur, N Grammalidis, O Günay, ...
Digital Signal Processing 23 (6), 1827-1843, 2013
Flame detection in video using hidden Markov models
BU Toreyin, Y Dedeoglu, AE Cetin
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2005 2, II-1230, 2005
Contour based smoke detection in video using wavelets
BU Toreyin, Y Dedeoglu, AE Cetin
2006 14th European signal processing conference, 1-5, 2006
HMM based falling person detection using both audio and video
BU Töreyin, Y Dedeoğlu, AE Çetin
International workshop on human-computer interaction, 211-220, 2005
Covariance matrix-based fire and flame detection method in video
YH Habiboğlu, O Günay, AE Çetin
Machine Vision and Applications 23, 1103-1113, 2012
Signal recovery from wavelet transform maxima
AE Cetin, R Ansari
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 42 (1), 194-196, 1994
Adaptive polyphase subband decomposition structures for image compression
ON Gerek, AE Cetin
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 9 (10), 1649-1660, 2000
Teager energy based feature parameters for speech recognition in car noise
F Jabloun, AE Cetin, E Erzin
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 6 (10), 259-261, 1999
Real-time fire and flame detection in video
N Dedeoglu, BU Toreyin, U Gudukbay, AE Cetin
Proceedings.(ICASSP'05). IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech …, 2005
A 2-D orientation-adaptive prediction filter in lifting structures for image coding
ON Gerek, AE Çetin
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15 (1), 106-111, 2005
Online detection of fire in video
BU Toreyin, AE Cetin
2007 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1-5, 2007
Sensors in assisted living: A survey of signal and image processing methods
F Erden, S Velipasalar, AZ Alkar, AE Cetin
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 33 (2), 36-44, 2016
Equiripple FIR filter design by the FFT algorithm
AE Cetin, ON Gerek, Y Yardimci
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 14 (2), 60-64, 1997
Detection of microcalcifications in mammograms using higher order statistics
MN Gurcan, Y Yardimci, AE Cetin, R Ansari
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 4 (8), 213-216, 1997
Silhouette-based method for object classification and human action recognition in video
Y Dedeoğlu, BU Töreyin, U Güdükbay, AE Çetin
Computer Vision in Human-Computer Interaction: ECCV 2006 Workshop on HCI …, 2006
Adaptive filtering for non-Gaussian stable processes
O Arikan, AE Cetin, E Erzin
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 1 (11), 163-165, 1994
Entropy-functional-based online adaptive decision fusion framework with application to wildfire detection in video
O Gunay, BU Toreyin, K Kose, AE Cetin
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 21 (5), 2853-2865, 2012
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Articles 1–20