Araz Hashemi
Araz Hashemi
National Research Council, Air Force Research Laboratory
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Cited by
Changing trends in adult facial trauma epidemiology
ZP VandeGriend, A Hashemi, M Shkoukani
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 26 (1), 108-112, 2015
Unmanned aerial vehicle circumnavigation using noisy range-based measurements without global positioning system information
A Hashemi, Y Cao, DW Casbeer, G Yin
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 137 (3), 031003, 2015
Stochastic averaging and sensitivity analysis for two scale reaction networks
A Hashemi, M Núńez, P Plecháč, DG Vlachos
The Journal of chemical physics 144 (7), 2016
UAV circumnavigation of an unknown target without location information using noisy range-based measurements
A Hashemi, Y Cao, D Casbeer, G Yin
2014 American Control Conference, 4587-4592, 2014
Scalable markov chain approximation for a safe intercept navigation in the presence of multiple vehicles
AA Munishkin, A Hashemi, DW Casbeer, D Milutinović
Autonomous Robots 43, 575-588, 2019
Scalable value approximation for multiple target tail-chase with collision avoidance
A Hashemi, DW Casbeer, D Milutinović
2016 IEEE 55th conference on decision and control (CDC), 2543-2548, 2016
Robust noise attenuation under stochastic noises and worst-case unmodelled dynamics
A Hashemi, B Fitzpatrick, LY Wang, G Yin
International Journal of Systems Science 45 (7), 1563-1578, 2014
Sign‐Regressor Adaptive Filtering Algorithms for Markovian Parameters
GG Yin, A Hashemi, LY Wang
Asian Journal of Control 16 (1), 95-106, 2014
Effect of Positional Disorder on Transmissional Properties of a Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal: An FDTD Study
AR Hashemi, MH Farzad, A Montakhab
arXiv preprint arXiv:0909.1022, 2009
Multi-agent control for safety and defense Scalable Safe Navigation
D Casbeer, CE Garcia, A Von Moll, K Kalyanam, D Milutinovic, A Hashemi
Sensitivity Analysis of Multiscale Reaction Networks with Stochastic Averaging
A Hashemi, M Nunez, P Plechác, DG Vlachos
Adaptive stochastic systems: Estimation, filtering, and noise attenuation
A Hashemi
Wayne State University, 2014
Sign-Error Adaptive Filtering Algorithms for Markovian Parameters
A Hashemi, G Yin, LY Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1212.5185, 2012
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Articles 1–13