Associate Professor PhD Karen Egedal Andreasen
Associate Professor PhD Karen Egedal Andreasen
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Cited by
Education governance and standardised tests in Denmark and England
P Kelly, KE Andreasen, K Kousholt, E McNess, C Ydesen
Journal of Education Policy 33 (6), 739-758, 2018
Historical roots of the global testing culture in education
C Ydesen, KE Andreasen
Nordic Studies in Education 40 (2), 149-166, 2020
Accountability practices in the history of Danish primary public education from the 1660s to the present
C Ydesen, KE Andreasen
Education Policy Analysis Archives/Archivos Analíticos de Políticas …, 2014
Los antecedentes históricos de la cultura evaluativa global en el ámbito de la educación
C Ydesen, KE Andreasen
Foro de Educación 17 (26), 1-24, 2019
Standardised testing in compulsory schooling in England and Denmark: A comparative study and analysis
K Andreasen, P Kelly, K Kousholt, E Mcness, C Ydesen
Bildung und Erziehung 68 (3), 329-348, 2015
At undersřge lćring
KE Andreasen, PD Rasmussen, A Rasmussen, AA Jensen, C Ydesen, ...
Samfundslitteratur, 2017
Reforming vocational didactics by implementing a new VET teacher education in Denmark: Tensions and challenges reflected in interviews with vocational college teachers
H Duch, KE Andreasen
International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training …, 2015
Assessing children in the Nordic countries: Framing, diversity and matters of inclusion and exclusion in a school for all
K Andreasen, E Hjörne
The Nordic Education Model: 'A School for All'Encounters Neo-Liberal Policy …, 2013
VET again: Now as a VET teacher
H Duch, KE Andreasen
International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training …, 2017
Educating for peace: The role and impact of international organisations in interwar and post-war Danish school experiments, 1918–1975
KE Andreasen, C Ydesen
Nordic Journal of Educational History 2 (2), 3-25, 2015
The standard child: National testing made complex through the lens of cultural-historical activity theory
K Otrel-Cass, KE Andreasen, L Bang
Activity theory in education, 35-50, 2016
Standardized testing
KE Andreasen, A Rasmussen, C Ydesen
Sociology of Education: An A-to-Z Guide, 737-740, 2013
Video consultations and safety app targeting pregnant women exposed to intimate partner violence in Denmark and Spain: Nested Cohort Intervention Study (STOP Study)
K Andreasen, AL Zapata-Calvente, S Martin-de-Las-Heras, ...
JMIR formative research 7, e38563, 2023
Differentiation of students in the early Danish welfare state: Professional entanglements between educational psychologists and psychiatrists
C Ydesen, B Hamre, KE Andreasen
Nordic Journal of Educational History 5 (1), 73-96, 2018
The Development of Home Economics as a Field of Knowledge and its Contribution to the Education and Social Status of Women
KE Andreasen, A Rasmussen
Nordic Journal of Educational History 9 (2), 63-84, 2022
Nationale test set fra břrneperspektiv
KE Andreasen
Viden om literacy 25, 74-79, 2019
Mental testing and educational streaming in Ontario and Denmark in the early twentieth century: a comparative and transnational perspective
P Milewski, C Ydesen, KE Andreasen
Paedagogica Historica 55 (3), 371-390, 2019
Koblinger mellem řkonomi og uddannelse: Et rids af dansk transnational uddannelseshistorie
C Ydesen, KE Andreasen
educare 1, 18-42, 2019
Test og prřvelser: Oprindelse, udvikling, aktualitet
KE Andreasen, M Buchardt, A Rasmussen, C Ydesen
Aalborg Universitetsforlag, 2015
The impact of PISA studies on education policy in a democratic perspective: The implementation of national tests in Denmark
KE Andreasen
The OECD’s Historical Rise in Education: The Formation of a Global Governing …, 2019
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Articles 1–20