Matteo Vergani
Matteo Vergani
Associate Professor, Deakin University
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The three Ps of radicalization: Push, pull and personal. A systematic scoping review of the scientific evidence about radicalization into violent extremism
M Vergani, M Iqbal, E Ilbahar, G Barton
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 43 (10), 854-854, 2020
The evolution of the ISIS’language: a quantitative analysis of the language of the first year of Dabiq magazine
M Vergani, AM Bliuc
Sicurezza, Terrorismo e Società= Security, Terrorism and Society, 7-20, 2015
Collective identity changes in far-right online communities: The role of offline intergroup conflict
AM Bliuc, J Betts, M Vergani, M Iqbal, K Dunn
New media & society 21 (8), 1770-1786, 2019
Analysis of YouTube videos used by activists in the Uyghur nationalist movement: Combining quantitative and qualitative methods
M Vergani, D Zuev
Journal of Contemporary China 20 (69), 205-229, 2011
Intercultural contact, knowledge of Islam, and prejudice against Muslims in Australia
F Mansouri, M Vergani
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 66, 85-94, 2018
Islamophobia in Australia-II (2016-2017)
D Iner, N Asquith, RHL Ip, Z Islam, G Mason, M Vergani, I Zayied
Charles Sturt University, 2019
The Language of New Terrorism: Differences in Psychological Dimensions of Communication in Dabiq and Inspire
M Vergani, AM Bliuc
Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 2018
Islamophobia in Australia 2014-2016
D Iner, L Briskman, G Krayem, S Latham, Z Matthews, C Pearson, ...
Charles Sturt University, 2017
Examining Islamic religiosity and civic engagement in Melbourne
M Vergani, A Johns, M Lobo, F Mansouri
Journal of Sociology 53 (1), 63-78, 2017
Neojihadist Visual Politics: Comparing YouTube Videos of North Caucasus and Uyghur Militants
M Vergani, D Zuev
Asian Studies Review 39 (1), 1-22, 2015
Neojihadist prosumers and Al Qaeda single narrative: The case study of Giuliano Delnevo
M Vergani
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 37, 604-617, 2014
Alcohol consumption, masculinity, and alcohol-related violence and anti-social behaviour in sportspeople
KS O’Brien, W Forrest, I Greenlees, D Rhind, S Jowett, I Pinsky, A Espelt, ...
Journal of science and medicine in sport 21 (4), 335-341, 2018
Does the Awareness of Mortality Shape People's Openness to Violence and Conflict? An Examination of Terror Management Theory
M Vergani, KS O'Brien, P Lentini, G Barton
Political Psychology, 2018
How Is Terrorism Changing Us?
M Vergani
Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
Hate speech in a telegram conspiracy channel during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic
M Vergani, A Martinez Arranz, R Scrivens, L Orellana
Social Media+ Society 8 (4), 20563051221138758, 2022
The effects of local socio-political events on group cohesion in online far-right communities
AM Bliuc, JM Betts, N Faulkner, M Vergani, RJ Chow, M Iqbal, D Best
PloS one 15 (3), e0230302, 2020
Hate crime reporting: The relationship between types of barriers and perceived severity
M Vergani, C Navarro
European journal on criminal policy and research 29 (1), 111-126, 2023
Political philosophy and Australian far-right media: A critical discourse analysis of The Unshackled and XYZ
I Richards, M Rae, M Vergani, C Jones
Thesis Eleven 163 (1), 103-130, 2021
The growing power of online communities of the extreme-right: deriving strength, meaning, and direction from significant socio-political events ‘in real life’
AM Bliuc, J Betts, M Vergani, M Iqbal, K Dunn
The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT), 2020
Asian Australians’ experiences of racism during the COVID-19 pandemic
A Kamp, N Denson, R Atie, K Dunn, R Sharples, M Vergani, J Walton, ...
Deakin University: Centre for Resilient and Inclusive Societies (CRIS), 2021
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Articles 1–20