Heaven Crawley
Heaven Crawley
Independent researcher
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Cited by
Refugees, migrants, neither, both: Categorical fetishism and the politics of bounding in Europe’s ‘migration crisis’
H Crawley, D Skleparis
Journal of ethnic and migration studies 44 (1), 48-64, 2018
Refugees and gender: Law and process
H Crawley
Jordan Publishing Limited, 2001
Unravelling Europe's' migration crisis': Journeys over land and sea
H Crawley, F Duvell, K Jones, S McMahon, N Sigona
Policy Press, 2017
The politics of evidence-based policy in Europe’s ‘migration crisis’
M Baldwin-Edwards, BK Blitz, H Crawley
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 45 (12), 2139-2155, 2019
Deciding where to go: Policies, people and perceptions shaping destination preferences
H Crawley, J Hagen‐Zanker
International Migration 57 (1), 20-35, 2019
When is a child not a child?: Asylum, age disputes and the process of age assessment
H Crawley
Immigration Law Practitioners' Association (ILPA), 2007
Chance or choice? Understanding why asylum seekers come to the UK
H Crawley
Refugee Council, 2010
Destination Europe?: Understanding the dynamics and drivers of Mediterranean migration in 2015
H Crawley, S McMahon, K Jones, F Duvell, N Sigona
Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University, 2016
Beyond here and there:(Re) conceptualising migrant journeys and the ‘in-between’
H Crawley, K Jones
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47 (14), 3226-3242, 2021
Coping with destitution: Survival and livelihood strategies of refused asylum seekers living in the UK
H Crawley, J Hemmings, N Price
Oxfam, 2011
‘No one gives you a chance to say what you are thinking’: finding space for children's agency in the UK asylum system
H Crawley
Area 42 (2), 162-169, 2010
Medical, statistical, ethical and human rights considerations in the assessment of age in children and young people subject to immigration control
A Aynsley-Green, TJ Cole, H Crawley, N Lessof, LR Boag, RMM Wallace
British medical bulletin 102 (1), 17-42, 2012
Child first, migrant second: Ensuring that every child matters
H Crawley
ILPA, 2006
States of Conflict: Causes and patterns of forced migration to the EU and policy responses
S Castles, H Crawley, S Loughna
(No Title), 2003
Living up to the empowerment claim?: The potential of PRA
H Crawley
The myth of community: Gender issues in participatory development, 1998
‘Asexual, Apolitical Beings': The Interpretation of Children's Identities and Experiences in the UK Asylum System
H Crawley
Transnational Migration and Childhood, 13-26, 2013
Victims and villains: Migrant voices in the British media
H Crawley, S McMahon, K Jones
Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University, 2016
Evidence on Attitudes to Asylum and Immigration: What we know, don't know and need to know
H Crawley
University of Oxford, 2005
Gender, persecution and the concept of politics in the asylum determination process
H Crawley
Forced Migration Review 9 (1), 2000
When is a child not a child
H Crawley
Asylum, age disputes and the process of age, 2007
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Articles 1–20