Adam Carter
Adam Carter
Programme Manager, EPCC, The University of Edinburgh
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Cited by
Aspect-ratio scaling and the stiffness exponent θ for Ising spin glasses
AC Carter, AJ Bray, MA Moore
Physical review letters 88 (7), 077201, 2002
Stiffness exponent of two-dimensional Ising spin glasses for nonperiodic boundary conditions using aspect-ratio scaling
AK Hartmann, AJ Bray, AC Carter, MA Moore, AP Young
Physical Review B 66 (22), 224401, 2002
What is the best or most relevant global minimum for nanoclusters? Predicting, comparing and recycling cluster structures with WASP@ N
SM Woodley, T Lazauskas, M Illingworth, AC Carter, AA Sokol
Faraday Discussions 211, 593-611, 2018
Applying Grid technologies to distributed data mining
AC Hume, AD Lloyd, TM Sloan, AC Carter
International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing, 696-703, 2004
Preparing scientific application software for exascale computing
JA Åström, A Carter, J Hetherington, K Ioakimidis, E Lindahl, ...
Applied Parallel and Scientific Computing: 11th International Conference …, 2013
Edim1 progress report
P Martin, M Atkinson, M Parsons, A Carter, G Francis
EPCC, Tech. Rep., 2011
Million Atom KS-DFT with CP2K
I Bethune, A Carter, X Guo, P Korosoglou
Sparkflow: Towards high-performance data analytics for spark-based genome analysis
R Filgueira, FM Awaysheh, A Carter, DJ White, O Rana
2022 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet …, 2022
CityFlow: OpenFlow City Experiment--Linking Infrastructure and Applications
A Carter, D Morris, S Sharma, L Cordeiro, R Figueiredo, J Gonçalves, ...
Software Defined Networks (EWSDN), 2014 Third European Workshop on, 129-130, 2014
FirstDIG: data investigations using OGSA-DAI
PJ Graham, TM Sloan, AC Carter, I Gregory
Proceedings of the UK e-Science All Hands Meeting, 39-54, 2004
CityFlow, enabling quality of service in the Internet: opportunities, challenges, and experimentation
S Sharma, D Palma, J Goncalves, D Staessens, N Johnson, ...
Integrated Network and Service Management (IM), 2017 IFIP/IEEE Symposium on …, 2017
CP2K–Scalable Atomistic Simulation for the PRACE Community
I Bethune, A Carter, K Stratford, P Korosoglou
EUFORIA HPC: Massive parallelisation for fusion community
A Jackson, A Carter, J Hein, J Westerholm, M Aspnäs, M Ropo, A Soba
Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP), 2010 18th …, 2010
First data investigation on the Grid: FirstDIG
TM Sloan, A Carter, PJ Graham, D Unwin, I Gregory
Proceedings of the 2nd UK e-Science All Hands Meeting 200, 287-289, 2003
Software-Defined Networking: Guidelines for Experimentation and Validation in Large-Scale Real World Scenarios
J Goncalves, D Palma, L Cordeiro, S Sharma, D Colle, A Carter, P Simoes
IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and …, 2014
PRACE DECI (Distributed European Computing Initiative) Minisymposium
C Johnson, A Carter, I Bethune, K Statford, M Alava, V Cardoso, M Asif, ...
Applied Parallel and Scientific Computing, 43-60, 2013
Finite-size Scaling Studies of Ising Spin Glasses
AC Carter
University of Manchester, 2003
D6. 2–Needs analysis
A Carter, K Ioakimidis, AS ABO, JW ABO
D6. 1.1–Roadmap to exascale (Initial release)
A Carter, K Ioakimidis, G Mozdzynski, A Signell
The meeting list tool-a shared application for sharing dynamic information in meetings
AC Carter
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, 315, 2006
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Articles 1–20