Stewart Riddle
Stewart Riddle
Professor, University of Southern Queensland
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Reflections on contemporary challenges and possibilities for democracy and education
MW Apple, G Biesta, D Bright, HA Giroux, A Heffernan, P McLaren, ...
Education, Policy and Democracy, 5-22, 2023
Re-imagining education for democracy
S Riddle, MW Apple
Routledge, 2019
Indigenous Education and Literacy Policy in Australia: Bringing Learning Back to the Debate
W Fogarty, S Riddle, M Lovell, B Wilson
The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 47 (2), 185-197, 2018
Culturally responsive and meaningful music education: Multimodality, meaning-making, and communication in diverse learning contexts
G Barton, S Riddle
Research Studies in Music Education 44 (2), 345-362, 2022
Relational pedagogy and the role of informality in renegotiating learning and teaching encounters
A Hickey, S Riddle
One school principal’s journey from the mainstream to the alternative
S Riddle, D Cleaver
International Journal of Leadership in Education, 2013
Producing pleasure in the contemporary university
S Riddle, MK Harmes, PA Danaher
SensePublishers, 2017
Relational pedagogy and the policy failure of contemporary Australian schooling: Activist teaching and pedagogically driven reform
A Hickey, S Riddle, J Robinson, B Down, R Hattam, A Wrench
Journal of Educational Administration and History, 2021
Education and democracy in dangerous times
S Riddle, MW Apple
Re-imagining Education for Democracy, 1-11, 2019
Working within and against the grain of policy in an alternative school
S Riddle, D Cleaver
Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 38 (4), 498-510, 2017
Music as engaging, educational matrix: Exploring the case of marginalised students attending an ‘alternative’ music industry school
D Cleaver, S Riddle
Research Studies in Music Education 36 (2), 245 - 256, 2014
Where are they now? Flexi school graduates reflect on their experiences of alternative education
A Moffatt, S Riddle
International Journal of Inclusive Education, 2019
Education Research and the Media: Challenges and Possibilities
A Baroutsis, S Riddle, P Thomson
Routledge, 2019
Who speaks for teachers? Social media and teacher voice
P Thomson, S Riddle
Education Research and the Media, 119-134, 2018
Schooling for Democracy in a Time of Global Crisis: Towards a More Caring, Inclusive and Sustainable Future
S Riddle
Routledge, 2022
Artists and transpedagogy: possibilities for enriching teaching and learning through radical engagement with the arts
L Knight, S Riddle
Arts-Research-Education: Connections and Directions, 123-133, 2018
Alternative schooling, social justice and marginalised students: teaching and learning in an alternative music school
S Riddle, D Cleaver
Palgrave MacMillan Ltd., 2017
Education is a public good, not a private commodity
S Riddle
The Conversation 1, 1-4, 2014
Curricular justice and contemporary schooling: Towards a rich, common curriculum for all students
S Riddle, M Mills, G McGregor
Curriculum Perspectives 43 (2), 137-144, 2023
Reflections on how education can be for democracy in the twenty-first century
A Aly, J Blackmore, D Bright, D Hayes, A McKay, B Lingard, S Riddle, ...
Journal of Educational Administration and History 54 (3), 357-372, 2022
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Articles 1–20