Michael Norwood
Cited by
Cited by
A narrative and systematic review of the behavioural, cognitive and emotional effects of passive nature exposure on young people: Evidence for prescribing change
MF Norwood, A Lakhani, S Fullagar, A Maujean, M Downes, J Byrne, ...
Landscape and Urban Planning 189, 71-79, 2019
Brain activity, underlying mood and the environment: A systematic review
MF Norwood, A Lakhani, A Maujean, H Zeeman, O Creux, E Kendall
Journal of Environmental Psychology 65, 101321, 2019
Thematic analysis of aid workers’ stressors and coping strategies: work, psychological, lifestyle and social dimensions
TKH Young, KI Pakenham, MF Norwood
Journal of International Humanitarian Action 3 (1), 19, 2018
Using the natural environment to address the psychosocial impact of neurological disability: A systematic review
A Lakhani, M Norwood, DP Watling, H Zeeman, E Kendall
Health & place 55, 188-201, 2019
Teaching traditional indoor school lessons in nature: The effects on student learning and behaviour
MF Norwood, A Lakhani, E Kendall
Landscape and Urban Planning 206, 103963, 2021
Efficacy of multimodal sensory therapy in adult acquired brain injury: a systematic review
MF Norwood, A Lakhani, DP Watling, CH Marsh, H Zeeman
Neuropsychology review 33 (4), 693-713, 2023
Assessing emotional and social health using photographs: An innovative research method for rural studies and its applicability in a care-farming program for youth
MF Norwood, A Lakhani, A Maujean, M Downes, S Fullagar, M McIntyre, ...
Evaluation and program planning 77, 101707, 2019
The Horse as a Therapist: Effects of an Equine Program Without “Therapy” on the Attention and Behavior of Youth Disengaged from Traditional School
MF Norwood, A Lakhani, A Maujean, M Downes, S Fullagar, BL Barber, ...
The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 27 (8), 678-687, 2021
Engaging Disenfranchised Youth through an Equine Assisted Activities Program: Understanding Psychosocial Benefits of Horse-Human Interactions
MF Norwood, A Lakhani, S Fullagar, A Maujean, E Kendall
Society & Animals 1 (aop), 1-21, 2020
What effect does participating in an assistance dog program have on the quality of life of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their caregivers? A systematic review of …
E Sprod, MF Norwood
Journal of Social Inclusion 8 (2), 27-41, 2017
Immersive virtual reality gameplay detects visuospatial atypicality, including unilateral spatial neglect, following brain injury: a pilot study
DR Painter, MF Norwood, CH Marsh, T Hine, D Harvie, M Libera, ...
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 20 (1), 161, 2023
The attention atlas virtual reality platform maps three-dimensional (3D) attention in unilateral spatial neglect patients: a protocol
MF Norwood, DR Painter, CH Marsh, C Reid, T Hine, DS Harvie, S Jones, ...
Brain Impairment 24 (3), 548-567, 2023
‘Almost pooped on—dislike!’: student and teacher reactions to nature-based learning and resulting practical advice for implementing in secondary schools
MF Norwood, A Lakhani, E Kendall
Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning 22 (4), 298-312, 2022
Does being psychologically resilient assist in optimising physical outcomes from a spinal cord injury? Findings from a systematic scoping review
MF Norwood, A Lakhani, B Hedderman, E Kendall
Disability and Rehabilitation 44 (20), 6082-6093, 2022
An undignified disaster reality for Australians with disability
K Chapman, M Norwood, C Shirota, D Palipana, E Kendall
Australian health review 46 (6), 710-712, 2022
Disability Research in Australia: Deciding to Be a Research Participant and the Experience of Participation
M Slattery, C Ehrlich, M Norwood, D Amsters, G Allen
Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics 18 (1-2), 37-49, 2023
Virtual reality gameplay classification illustrates the multidimensionality of visuospatial neglect
DR Painter, MF Norwood, CH Marsh, T Hine, C Woodman, M Libera, ...
Brain Communications, fcae145, 2024
Environmental Neurorehabilitation: Harnessing the Power of the Environment in Rehabilitation Following Neurological Conditions
M Norwood, D Pretty, C Marsh, C Shirota, C Gillet, H Zeeman, E Kendall
Environmental Neuroscience, 391-428, 2024
The affective pedagogies of horse-human interventions: a more-than-human perspective on equine assisted learning with marginalised young people
S Fullagar, M Norwood, A Lakhani, A Maujean, M Downes, J Byrne, ...
Sport, Education and Society, 1-12, 2024
Creating Maps of Attention Using Virtual Reality for Brain-Injured and Spatial Neglect Patients
M Norwood, DR Painter, CH Marsh, T Hine, D Harvie, S Jones, B Chen, ...
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Articles 1–20