Oliver Cliff
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Cited by
Modelling transmission and control of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia
SL Chang, N Harding, C Zachreson, OM Cliff, M Prokopenko
Nature Communications 11, 5710, 2020
Online localization of radio-tagged wildlife with an autonomous aerial robot system
OM Cliff, R Fitch, S Sukkarieh, D Saunders, R Heinsohn
Robotics: Science and Systems, 2015
Dec-MCTS: Decentralized planning for multi-robot active perception
G Best, OM Cliff, T Patten, RR Mettu, R Fitch
The International Journal of Robotics Research 38 (2-3), 316–337, 2019
Investigating spatiotemporal dynamics and synchrony of influenza epidemics in Australia: an agent-based modelling approach
OM Cliff, N Harding, M Piraveenan, EY Erten, M Gambhir, M Prokopenko
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 87, 412 -- 431, 2018
Urbanization affects peak timing, prevalence, and bimodality of influenza pandemics in Australia: Results of a census-calibrated model
C Zachreson, KM Fair, OM Cliff, N Harding, M Piraveenan, M Prokopenko
Science advances 4 (12), eaau5294, 2018
Robotic ecology: Tracking small dynamic animals with an autonomous aerial vehicle
OM Cliff, DL Saunders, R Fitch
Science Robotics 3 (23), eaat8409, 2018
How will mass-vaccination change COVID-19 lockdown requirements in Australia?
C Zachreson, SL Chang, OM Cliff, M Prokopenko
The Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific 14, 100224, 2021
Assessing the significance of directed and multivariate measures of linear dependence between time series
OM Cliff, L Novelli, BD Fulcher, JM Shine, JT Lizier
Physical Review Research 3 (1), 013145, 2021
Decentralised Monte Carlo tree search for active perception
G Best, OM Cliff, T Patten, RR Mettu, R Fitch
Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics XII 13, 864-879, 2020
Unifying pairwise interactions in complex dynamics
OM Cliff, JT Lizier, N Tsuchiya, BD Fulcher
arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.11941, 2022
Simulating transmission scenarios of the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 in Australia
S Chang, O Cliff, C Zachreson, M Prokopenko
Frontiers in Public Health 10, 2022
Minimising the Kullback–Leibler divergence for model selection in distributed nonlinear systems
OM Cliff, M Prokopenko, R Fitch
Entropy 20 (2), 51, 2018
Quantifying long-range interactions and coherent structure in multi-agent dynamics
OM Cliff, JT Lizier, XR Wang, P Wang, O Obst, M Prokopenko
Artificial life 23 (1), 34-57, 2017
A framework for considering the utility of models when facing tough decisions in public health: a guideline for policy-makers
J Thompson, R McClure, N Scott, M Hellard, R Abeysuriya, ...
Health Research Policy and Systems 20 (1), 107, 2022
Towards quantifying interaction networks in a football match
OM Cliff, JT Lizier, XR Wang, P Wang, O Obst, M Prokopenko
RoboCup 2013: Robot World Cup XVII 8371, 2014
Adversarial patrolling with reactive point processes
B Hefferan, OM Cliff, R Fitch
Australian Conference on Robotics and Automation (ACRA), 2016
An information criterion for inferring coupling of distributed dynamical systems
OM Cliff, M Prokopenko, R Fitch
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 3 (71), 2016
Network properties of salmonella epidemics
OM Cliff, V Sintchenko, TC Sorrell, K Vadlamudi, N McLean, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 6159, 2019
Gliders2013: Tactical analysis with information dynamics
M Prokopenko, O Obst, P Wang, D Budden, OM Cliff
RoboCup 2013 symposium and competitions: Team description papers, Eindhoven …, 2013
Genome-wide networks reveal emergence of epidemic strains of Salmonella Enteritidis
AJ Svahn, SL Chang, RJ Rockett, OM Cliff, Q Wang, A Arnott, ...
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 117, 65-73, 2022
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Articles 1–20