Alex Roschildt Pinto
Alex Roschildt Pinto
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An approach to implement data fusion techniques in wireless sensor networks using genetic machine learning algorithms
AR Pinto, C Montez, G Araújo, F Vasques, P Portugal
Information Fusion 15, 90-101, 2014
Avens-a novel flying ad hoc network simulator with automatic code generation for unmanned aircraft system
EA Marconato, M Rodrigues, RM Pires, DF Pigatto, AR Pinto, KR Branco
IEEE 802.11 n vs. IEEE 802.15. 4: a study on Communication QoS to provide Safe FANETs
EA Marconato, JA Maxa, DF Pigatto, ASR Pinto, N Larrieu, KRLJC Branco
2016 46th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems …, 2016
HAMSTER-Healthy, mobility and security-based data communication architecture for Unmanned Aircraft Systems
DF Pigatto, L Gonçalves, ASR Pinto, GF Roberto, JF Rodrigues Filho, ...
2014 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 52-63, 2014
Data Summarization in the Node by Parameters (DSNP): Local Data Fusion in an IoT Environment
L Maschi, A Pinto, R Meneguette, A Baldassin
Sensors 18 (3), 799, 2018
Internet of things data storage infrastructure in the cloud using NoSQL databases
B Vanelli, MP da Silva, G Manerichi, ASR Pinto, MAR Dantas, ...
IEEE Latin America Transactions 15 (4), 737-743, 2017
Lossy Data Compression for IoT Sensors: A Review
JDA Correa, ASR Pinto, C Montez
Internet of Things 19, 100516, 2022
Outlier detection using k-means clustering and lightweight methods for Wireless Sensor Networks
ATC Andrade, C Montez, R Moraes, AR Pinto, F Vasques, GL da Silva
IECON 2016-42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2016
Nodepm: a remote monitoring alert system for energy consumption using probabilistic techniques
GPR Filho, J Ueyama, LA Villas, AR Pinto, VP Goncalves, G Pessin, ...
Sensors 14 (1), 848-867, 2014
Genetic machine learning approach for link quality prediction in mobile wireless sensor networks
GM Araújo, AR Pinto, J Kaiser, LB Becker
Cooperative robots and sensor networks, 1-18, 2014
UAV integration into IoIT: opportunities and challenges
M Rodrigues, DF Pigatto, JV Fontes, AS Pinto, JP Diguet, KR Branco
ICAS 2017 95, 2017
The broadcast storm problem in FANETs and the Dynamic Neighborhood-based Algorithm as a countermeasure
RDM Pires, ASR Pinto, KRLJC Branco
IEEE Access 7, 59737-59757, 2019
Integration of wireless sensor networks to the internet of things using a 6LoWPAN gateway
LF Schrickte, C Montez, R De Oliveira, AR Pinto
2013 III Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering, 119-124, 2013
Design and implementation of a 6LoWPAN gateway for wireless sensor networks integration with the internet of things
LF Schrickte, CB Montez, RSD Oliveira, ASR Pinto
International Journal of Embedded Systems 8 (5-6), 380-390, 2016
The Internet of Flying Things
DF Pigatto, M Rodrigues, JV de Carvalho Fontes, ASR Pinto, J Smith, ...
Internet of Things A to Z: Technologies and Applications, 529-562, 2018
Experimenting broadcast storm mitigation techniques in FANETs
R de Melo Pires, SZ Arnosti, ASR Pinto, KRLJC Branco
2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 5868-5877, 2016
The HAMSTER Data Communication Architecture for Unmanned Aerial, Ground and Aquatic Systems: Aims, Scope and Definitions
DF Pigatto, L Gonçalves, GF Roberto, JF Rodrigues Filho, ...
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 84 (1-4), 705-723, 2016
QK-means: a clustering technique based on community detection and K-means for deployment of cluster head nodes
LN Ferreira, AR Pinto, L Zhao
The 2012 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-7, 2012
A transmission power self-optimization technique for wireless sensor networks
F Lavratti, A Ceratti, D Prestes, AR Pinto, L Bolzani, F Vargas, C Montez, ...
International Scholarly Research Notices 2012, 2012
Autonomic approaches for enhancing communication qos in dense wireless sensor networks with real time requirements
AR Pinto, C Montez
2010 IEEE International Test Conference, 1-10, 2010
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Articles 1–20