Laura A. Kelley
Laura A. Kelley
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Vocal mimicry in songbirds
LA Kelley, RL Coe, JR Madden, SD Healy
Animal behaviour 76 (3), 521-528, 2008
Animal visual illusion and confusion: the importance of a perceptual perspective
LA Kelley, JL Kelley
Behavioral Ecology 25 (3), 450-463, 2014
Explanations for variation in cognitive ability: behavioural ecology meets comparative cognition
SD Healy, IE Bacon, O Haggis, AP Harris, LA Kelley
Behavioural Processes 80 (3), 288-294, 2009
Illusions promote mating success in great bowerbirds
LA Kelley, JA Endler
Science 335 (6066), 335-338, 2012
The role of animal cognition in human-wildlife interactions
M Goumas, VE Lee, NJ Boogert, LA Kelley, A Thornton
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 589978, 2020
Male great bowerbirds create forced perspective illusions with consistently different individual quality
LA Kelley, JA Endler
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (51), 20980-20985, 2012
Herring gulls respond to human gaze direction
M Goumas, I Burns, LA Kelley, NJ Boogert
Biology Letters 15 (8), 20190405, 2019
Visual effects in great bowerbird sexual displays and their implications for signal design
JA Endler, J Gaburro, LA Kelley
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1783), 20140235, 2014
Finding a signal hidden among noise: how can predators overcome camouflage strategies?
JAM Galloway, SD Green, M Stevens, LA Kelley
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 375 (1802), 20190478, 2020
Urban herring gulls use human behavioural cues to locate food
M Goumas, NJ Boogert, LA Kelley
Royal Society open science 7 (2), 191959, 2020
Vocal mimicry
LA Kelley, SD Healy
Current Biology 21 (1), R9-R10, 2011
Vocal mimicry in male bowerbirds: who learns from whom?
LA Kelley, SD Healy
Biology Letters 6 (5), 626-629, 2010
Herring gull aversion to gaze in urban and rural human settlements
M Goumas, TR Collins, L Fordham, LA Kelley, NJ Boogert
Animal Behaviour 168, 83-88, 2020
The mimetic repertoire of the spotted bowerbird Ptilonorhynchus maculatus
LA Kelley, SD Healy
Naturwissenschaften 98, 501-507, 2011
How do great bowerbirds construct perspective illusions?
LA Kelley, JA Endler
Royal Society Open Science 4 (1), 160661, 2017
A customizable, low‐cost optomotor apparatus: A powerful tool for behaviourally measuring visual capability
EM Caves, J Troscianko, LA Kelley
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11 (10), 1319-1324, 2020
Vocal mimicry in spotted bowerbirds is associated with an alarming context
LA Kelley, SD Healy
Journal of avian biology 43 (6), 525-530, 2012
3D animal camouflage
JL Kelley, LA Kelley, DR Badcock
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 37 (8), 628-631, 2022
Ecological and morphological correlates of visual acuity in birds
EM Caves, E Fernández-Juricic, LA Kelley
Journal of Experimental Biology 227 (2), jeb246063, 2024
Object neophilia in wild herring gulls in urban and rural locations
EL Inzani, LA Kelley, NJ Boogert
Journal of Avian Biology 2023 (1-2), e03028, 2023
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Articles 1–20