Gil Santos
Cited by
Cited by
A fusion approach to unconstrained iris recognition
G Santos, E Hoyle
Pattern Recognition Letters 33 (8), 984-990, 2012
Fusing iris and periocular information for cross-sensor recognition
G Santos, E Grancho, MV Bernardo, PT Fiadeiro
Pattern Recognition Letters 57, 52-59, 2015
Periocular biometrics: An emerging technology for unconstrained scenarios
G Santos, H Proença
Computational Intelligence in Biometrics and Identity Management (CIBIM …, 2013
Fusing color and shape descriptors in the recognition of degraded iris images acquired at visible wavelengths
H Proença, G Santos
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 116 (2), 167-178, 2012
Quis-Campi: Extending in the Wild Biometric Recognition to Surveillance Environments
JC Neves, G Santos, S Filipe, E Grancho, S Barra, F Narducci, H Proença
International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, 59-68, 2015
A robust eye-corner detection method for real-world data
G Santos, H Proença
Biometrics (IJCB), 2011 International Joint Conference on, 1-7, 2011
On the role of interpolation in the normalization of non-ideal visible wavelength iris images
GMM Santos, HPMC Proença
Computational Intelligence and Security, 2009. CIS'09. International …, 2009
Segmenting the periocular region using a hierarchical graphical model fed by texture/shape information and geometrical constraints
H Proença, JC Neves, G Santos
Biometrics (IJCB), 2014 IEEE International Joint Conference on, 1-7, 2014
Periocular recognition: how much facial expressions affect performance?
E Barroso, G Santos, L Cardoso, C Padole, H Proença
Pattern Analysis and Applications 19 (2), 517-530, 2016
Robust periocular recognition by fusing sparse representations of color and geometry information
JC Moreno, VBS Prasath, G Santos, H Proença
Journal of Signal Processing Systems 82 (3), 403-417, 2016
Facial expressions: Discriminability of facial regions and relationship to biometrics recognition
E Barroso, G Santos, H Proença
Computational Intelligence in Biometrics and Identity Management (CIBIM …, 2013
Iris Recognition: Preliminary Assessment about the Discriminating Capacity of Visible Wavelength Data
G Santos, MV Bernardo, H Proença, PT Fiadeiro
Multimedia (ISM), 2010 IEEE International Symposium on, 324-329, 2010
Iris recognition: Analyzing the distribution of the iriscodes concordant bits
G Santos, H Proença
Image and Signal Processing (CISP), 2010 3rd International Congress on 4 …, 2010
BioHDD: a dataset for studying biometric identification on heavily degraded data
G Santos, PT Fiadeiro, H Proença
IET Biometrics 4 (1), 1-9, 2015
A comparative analysis of two approaches to periocular recognition in mobile scenarios
JC Monteiro, R Esteves, G Santos, PT Fiadeiro, J Lobo, JS Cardoso
International Symposium on Visual Computing, 268-280, 2015
Biometric recognition in unconstrained environments
GMM Santos
Using Ocular Data for Unconstrained Biometric Recognition
H Proença, G Santos, JC Neves
Face Recognition in Adverse Conditions, 252-271, 2014
Non-cooperative Iris Recognition
GMM Santos
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Articles 1–18