Simranjit K Sidhu
Simranjit K Sidhu
Associate Professor, The University of Adelaide
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Autonomic responses to exercise: group III/IV muscle afferents and fatigue
M Amann, SK Sidhu, JC Weavil, TS Mangum, M Venturelli
Autonomic neuroscience 188, 19-23, 2015
Group III/IV muscle afferents limit the intramuscular metabolic perturbation during whole body exercise in humans
GM Blain, TS Mangum, SK Sidhu, JC Weavil, TJ Hureau, JE Jessop, ...
The Journal of physiology 594 (18), 5303-5315, 2016
Cortical voluntary activation of the human knee extensors can be reliably estimated using transcranial magnetic stimulation
SK Sidhu, DJ Bentley, TJ Carroll
Muscle & Nerve: Official Journal of the American Association of …, 2009
Group III/IV locomotor muscle afferents alter motor cortical and corticospinal excitability and promote central fatigue during cycling exercise
SK Sidhu, JC Weavil, TS Mangum, JE Jessop, RS Richardson, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 128 (1), 44-55, 2017
Locomotor exercise induces long-lasting impairments in the capacity of the human motor cortex to voluntarily activate knee extensor muscles
SK Sidhu, DJ Bentley, TJ Carroll
Journal of Applied Physiology 106 (2), 556-565, 2009
Spinal μ‐opioid receptor‐sensitive lower limb muscle afferents determine corticospinal responsiveness and promote central fatigue in upper limb muscle
SK Sidhu, JC Weavil, M Venturelli, RS Garten, MJ Rossman, ...
The Journal of physiology 592 (22), 5011-5024, 2014
Motor cortex excitability does not increase during sustained cycling exercise to volitional exhaustion
SK Sidhu, AG Cresswell, TJ Carroll
Journal of applied physiology 113 (3), 401-409, 2012
Fatigue‐related group III/IV muscle afferent feedback facilitates intracortical inhibition during locomotor exercise
SK Sidhu, JC Weavil, TS Thurston, D Rosenberger, JE Jessop, E Wang, ...
The Journal of Physiology, 2018
Corticospinal responses to sustained locomotor exercises: moving beyond single-joint studies of central fatigue
SK Sidhu, AG Cresswell, TJ Carroll
Sports Medicine 43, 437-449, 2013
Corticospinal contributions to lower limb muscle activity during cycling in humans
SK Sidhu, BW Hoffman, AG Cresswell, TJ Carroll
Journal of neurophysiology 107 (1), 306-314, 2012
Intensity-dependent alterations in the excitability of cortical and spinal projections to the knee extensors during isometric and locomotor exercise
JC Weavil, SK Sidhu, TS Mangum, RS Richardson, M Amann
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative …, 2015
Fatigue diminishes motoneuronal excitability during cycling exercise
JC Weavil, SK Sidhu, TS Mangum, RS Richardson, M Amann
Journal of Neurophysiology 116 (4), 1743-1751, 2016
Corticospinal modulation induced by sounds depends on action preparedness
W Marinovic, JR Tresilian, A de Rugy, S Sidhu, S Riek
The Journal of physiology 592 (1), 153-169, 2014
Lifelong strength training mitigates the age-related decline in efferent drive
R Unhjem, M Nygård, LT van den Hoven, SK Sidhu, J Hoff, E Wang
Journal of applied physiology 121 (2), 415-423, 2016
Acute High-Intensity Exercise Impairs Skeletal Muscle Respiratory Capacity
G Layec, GM Blain, MJ Rossman, SY Park, CR Hart, JD Trinity, JR Gifford, ...
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2018
Sustained cycling exercise increases intracortical inhibition
SK Sidhu, B Lauber, AG Cresswell, TJ Carroll
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 45 (4), 654-662, 2013
Short‐interval intracortical inhibition in knee extensors during locomotor cycling
SK Sidhu, AG Cresswell, TJ Carroll
Acta physiologica 207 (1), 194-201, 2013
Cortical inhibition assessed using paired-pulse TMS-EEG is increased in older adults
GM Opie, SK Sidhu, NC Rogasch, MC Ridding, JG Semmler
Brain stimulation, 2018
Aging alters muscle reflex control of autonomic cardiovascular responses to rhythmic contractions in humans
SK Sidhu, JC Weavil, M Venturelli, MJ Rossman, BS Gmelch, AD Bledsoe, ...
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 309 (9 …, 2015
Role of carbohydrate in central fatigue: a systematic review
TK Khong, VS Selvanayagam, SK Sidhu, A Yusof
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 27 (4), 376-384, 2017
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Articles 1–20