Xiangping Tan
Xiangping Tan
South China Botanic Gardon, Chinese Academy of Scinences
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Altered precipitation seasonality impacts the dominant fungal but rare bacterial taxa in subtropical forest soils
Q Zhao, S Jian, N Nunan, FT Maestre, L Tedersoo, J He, H Wei, X Tan, ...
Biology and Fertility of Soils 53, 231-245, 2017
和文祥, 谭向平, 王旭东, 唐明, 郝明德
土壤学报 47 (6), 1232-1236, 2010
Differences in the response of soil dehydrogenase activity to Cd contamination are determined by the different substrates used for its determination
X Tan, Y Liu, K Yan, Z Wang, G Lu, Y He, W He
Chemosphere 169, 324-332, 2017
Kinetics of soil dehydrogenase in response to exogenous Cd toxicity
X Tan, Z Wang, G Lu, W He, G Wei, F Huang, X Xu, W Shen
Journal of hazardous materials 329, 299-309, 2017
Interactions between aged biochar, fresh low molecular weight carbon and soil organic carbon after 3.5 years soil-biochar incubations
X Jiang, X Tan, J Cheng, ML Haddix, MF Cotrufo
Geoderma 333, 99-107, 2019
County‐scale spatial distribution of soil enzyme activities and enzyme activity indices in agricultural land: Implications for soil quality assessment
X Tan, B Xie, J Wang, W He, X Wang, G Wei
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 535768, 2014
Soil properties influence kinetics of soil acid phosphatase in response to arsenic toxicity
Z Wang, X Tan, G Lu, Y Liu, R Naidu, W He
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 147, 266-274, 2018
Soil chemical properties rather than the abundance of active and potentially active microorganisms control soil enzyme kinetics
X Tan, Y Nie, X Ma, Z Guo, Y Liu, H Tian, M Megharaj, W Shen, W He
Science of the Total Environment 770, 144500, 2021
Forest understory vegetation study: current status and future trends
J Deng, S Fang, X Fang, Y Jin, Y Kuang, F Lin, J Liu, J Ma, Y Nie, ...
Forestry Research 3 (1), 2023
Effect of arsenate contamination on free, immobilized and soil alkaline phosphatases: activity, kinetics and thermodynamics
ZQ Wang, YB Li, XP Tan, WX He, W Xie, M Megharaj, GH Wei
European Journal of Soil Science 68 (1), 126-135, 2017
Study on total enzyme activity index in soils
W He, X Tan, X Wang, M Tang, M Hao
Acta Pedologica Sinica 47 (6), 211-215, 2010
Shifts in fungal biomass and activities of hydrolase and oxidative enzymes explain different responses of litter decomposition to nitrogen addition
X Tan, MB Machmuller, MF Cotrufo, W Shen
Biology and Fertility of Soils 56, 423-438, 2020
Long-term As contamination alters soil enzyme functional stability in response to additional heat disturbance
Z Wang, H Tian, X Tan, F Wang, H Jia, M Megharaj, W He
Chemosphere 229, 471-480, 2019
Plant taxonomic diversity better explains soil fungal and bacterial diversity than functional diversity in restored forest ecosystems
MA Hanif, Z Guo, M Moniruzzaman, D He, Q Yu, X Rao, S Liu, X Tan, ...
Plants 8 (11), 479, 2019
Temperature sensitivity of ecoenzyme kinetics driving litter decomposition: The effects of nitrogen enrichment, litter chemistry, and decomposer community
X Tan, MB Machmuller, F Huang, J He, J Chen, MF Cotrufo, W Shen
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 148, 107878, 2020
Adaptation of soil fungal community structure and assembly to long-versus short-term nitrogen addition in a tropical forest
J He, S Jiao, X Tan, H Wei, X Ma, Y Nie, J Liu, X Lu, J Mo, W Shen
Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 689674, 2021
Responses of litter, organic and mineral soil enzyme kinetics to 6 years of canopy and understory nitrogen additions in a temperate forest
Y Liu, X Tan, Y Wang, Z Guo, D He, S Fu, S Wan, Q Ye, W Zhang, W Liu, ...
Science of The Total Environment 712, 136383, 2020
Soil enzyme kinetics indicate ecotoxicity of long-term arsenic pollution in the soil at field scale
Z Wang, H Tian, M Lei, M Megharaj, X Tan, F Wang, H Jia, W He
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 191, 110215, 2020
Temperature enhances the affinity of soil alkaline phosphatase to Cd
X Tan, MB Machmuller, Z Wang, X Li, W He, MF Cotrufo, W Shen
Chemosphere 196, 214-222, 2018
Influence of soil factors on the soil enzyme inhibition by Cd
X Tan, L Kong, H Yan, Z Wang, W He, G Wei
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B—Soil & Plant Science 64 (8), 666-674, 2014
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Articles 1–20