Jorge L. Ruas
Jorge L. Ruas
Dept. of Pharmacology and Frankel Inst. for Heart & Brain Health / Univ. of Michigan Medical School
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Hypoxia requires notch signaling to maintain the undifferentiated cell state
MV Gustafsson, X Zheng, T Pereira, K Gradin, S Jin, J Lundkvist, JL Ruas, ...
Developmental cell 9 (5), 617-628, 2005
HIF-independent regulation of VEGF and angiogenesis by the transcriptional coactivator PGC-1α
Z Arany, SY Foo, Y Ma, JL Ruas, A Bommi-Reddy, G Girnun, M Cooper, ...
Nature 451 (7181), 1008-1012, 2008
Kynurenines: Tryptophan’s metabolites in exercise, inflammation, and mental health
I Cervenka, LZ Agudelo, JL Ruas
Science 357 (6349), eaaf9794, 2017
Anti-diabetic drugs inhibit obesity-linked phosphorylation of PPARγ by Cdk5
JH Choi, AS Banks, JL Estall, S Kajimura, P Boström, D Laznik, JL Ruas, ...
Nature 466 (7305), 451-456, 2010
Meteorin-like is a hormone that regulates immune-adipose interactions to increase beige fat thermogenesis
RR Rao, JZ Long, JP White, KJ Svensson, J Lou, I Lokurkar, ...
Cell 157 (6), 1279-1291, 2014
Skeletal muscle PGC-1α1 modulates kynurenine metabolism and mediates resilience to stress-induced depression
LZ Agudelo, T Femenía, F Orhan, M Porsmyr-Palmertz, M Goiny, ...
Cell 159 (1), 33-45, 2014
A PGC-1α isoform induced by resistance training regulates skeletal muscle hypertrophy
JL Ruas, JP White, RR Rao, S Kleiner, KT Brannan, BC Harrison, ...
Cell 151 (6), 1319-1331, 2012
Regulation of the brown and white fat gene programs through a PRDM16/CtBP transcriptional complex
S Kajimura, P Seale, T Tomaru, H Erdjument-Bromage, MP Cooper, ...
Genes & development 22 (10), 1397-1409, 2008
The transcriptional coactivator PGC-1α mediates exercise-induced angiogenesis in skeletal muscle
J Chinsomboon, J Ruas, RK Gupta, R Thom, J Shoag, GC Rowe, ...
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 106 (50), 21401-21406, 2009
The unfolded protein response mediates adaptation to exercise in skeletal muscle through a PGC-1α/ATF6α complex
J Wu, JL Ruas, JL Estall, KA Rasbach, JH Choi, L Ye, P Boström, HM Tyra, ...
Cell metabolism 13 (2), 160-169, 2011
Interaction with factor inhibiting HIF-1 defines an additional mode of cross-coupling between the Notch and hypoxia signaling pathways
X Zheng, S Linke, JM Dias, X Zheng, K Gradin, TP Wallis, BR Hamilton, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (9), 3368-3373, 2008
Kynurenic acid and Gpr35 regulate adipose tissue energy homeostasis and inflammation
LZ Agudelo, DMS Ferreira, I Cervenka, G Bryzgalova, S Dadvar, ...
Cell metabolism 27 (2), 378-392. e5, 2018
Hypoxia inducible factor regulates the cardiac expression and secretion of apelin
VP Ronkainen, JJ Ronkainen, SL Hänninen, H Leskinen, JL Ruas, ...
The FASEB Journal 21 (8), 1821-1830, 2007
The hitchhiker’s guide to PGC-1α isoform structure and biological functions
V Martínez-Redondo, AT Pettersson, JL Ruas
Diabetologia 58, 1969-1977, 2015
Ryanodine receptor fragmentation and sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ leak after one session of high-intensity interval exercise
N Place, N Ivarsson, T Venckunas, D Neyroud, M Brazaitis, AJ Cheng, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (50), 15492-15497, 2015
PGC-1α regulates a HIF2α-dependent switch in skeletal muscle fiber types
KA Rasbach, RK Gupta, JL Ruas, J Wu, E Naseri, JL Estall, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (50), 21866-21871, 2010
Endurance exercise increases skeletal muscle kynurenine aminotransferases and plasma kynurenic acid in humans
M Schlittler, M Goiny, LZ Agudelo, T Venckunas, M Brazaitis, A Skurvydas, ...
American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 310 (10), C836-C840, 2016
Functional analysis of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α-mediated transactivation: identification of amino acid residues critical for transcriptional activation and/or interaction …
JL Ruas, L Poellinger, T Pereira
Journal of Biological Chemistry 277 (41), 38723-38730, 2002
PGC-1α negatively regulates hepatic FGF21 expression by modulating the heme/Rev-Erbα axis
JL Estall, JL Ruas, CS Choi, D Laznik, M Badman, E Maratos-Flier, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (52), 22510-22515, 2009
Role of CBP in regulating HIF-1-mediated activation of transcription
JL Ruas, L Poellinger, T Pereira
Journal of cell science 118 (2), 301-311, 2005
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Articles 1–20