Christian von Luebke
Christian von Luebke
Professor, Southeast Asian Studies, Asian Studies & Management, HTWG Konstanz
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Cited by
The political economy of local governance: findings from an Indonesian field study
C Von Luebke
Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 45 (2), 201-230, 2009
All the gold for nothing? Impacts of mining on rural livelihoods in Northern Burkina Faso
B Pokorny, C von Lübke, SD Dayamba, H Dickow
World Development 119, 23-39, 2019
The politics of reform: political scandals, elite resistance, and presidential leadership in Indonesia
C Von Luebke
Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs 29 (1), 79-94, 2010
Survey of recent developments
AA Patunru, C Von Luebke
Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 46 (1), 7-31, 2010
Heterodox reform symbioses: The political economy of investment climate reforms in Solo, Indonesia
C Von Luebke, N McCulloch, AA Patunru
Asian Economic Journal 23 (3), 269-296, 2009
A Tale of Two Cities: The Political Economy of Local Investment Climates in Indonesia
C von Lübke, N McCulloch, A Patunru
Journal of Development Studies, 2010
A Tale of Two Cities: The Political Economy of Local Investment Climate in Solo and Manado, Indonesia1
AA Patunru, N McCulloch, C Von Luebke
IDS Working Papers 2009 (338), 01-43, 2009
Striking the right balance: Economic concentration and local government performance in Indonesia and the Philippines
C Von Luebke
European Journal of East Asian Studies 11 (1), 17-44, 2012
Local leadership in transition: explaining variation in Indonesian subnational government (PhD Thesis)
C Von Luebke
The Australian National University, 2008
Leadership and Voice in Local Governance: Political Economy of District Business Regulations in Central Java, West Sumatrea, Bali and NTB
C Luebke
Rural Investment Climate Assessment, World Bank, Jakarta, processed, 2006
Democracy in progress-or oligarchy in disguise? The politics of decentralized governance in Post-Suharto Indonesia
C von Luebke
Discussion Paper Series, 2011
Religious actors and conflict transformation in Southeast Asia: Indonesia and the Philippines
J Rüland, C von Lübke, M Baumann
Routledge, 2019
Modular Comparisons: Grounding and Gauging Southeast Asian Governance
C Von Lübke
Pacific Affairs 87 (3), 509-538, 2014
Maverick Mayor to Presidential Hopeful
C von Luebke
Inside Indonesia, 2014
Political economy of local investment climates: A review of the literature."
C von Lübke
PAPI Background Paper: Political Economy of the Local Investment Climate in …, 2008
C von Luebke
Inside Indonesia, 2011
To squeeze or not to squeeze: characterizing the investment climate in the city of Manado, Indonesia
N McCulloch, A Patunru, C von Luebke
LPEM FEBUI Working Papers, 2009
Post-Suharto Indonesia: Democratic consolidation and continuing challenges
C Von Luebke, C von Luebke
SPICE DIGEST, Fall, 2009
Controlled Multimethod Policy Analyses (COMPAS): A Comparative Study of Democratic Governance in Contemporary Indonesia
C Von Lübke
Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Freiburg, 2011
Grounding Governance Research in Southeast Asia: A Framework for Controlled Multimethod Policy Analysis
C von Lübke
Methodology and Research Practice in Southeast Asian Studies, 213-232, 2014
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Articles 1–20