robert charles jennings
robert charles jennings
professore di fotobiologia
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A comparison between plant photosystem I and photosystem II architecture and functioning
S Caffarri, T Tibiletti, R C Jennings, S Santabarbara
Current Protein and Peptide Science 15 (4), 296-331, 2014
Functional analyses of the plant photosystem I–light-harvesting complex II supercomplex reveal that light-harvesting complex II loosely bound to photosystem II is a very …
P Galka, S Santabarbara, TTH Khuong, H Degand, P Morsomme, ...
The Plant Cell 24 (7), 2963-2978, 2012
Excited state equilibration in the photosystem I− light-harvesting I complex: P700 is almost isoenergetic with its antenna
R Croce, G Zucchelli, FM Garlaschi, R Bassi, RC Jennings
Biochemistry 35 (26), 8572-8579, 1996
A thermal broadening study of the antenna chlorophylls in PSI-200, LHCI, and PSI core
R Croce, G Zucchelli, FM Garlaschi, RC Jennings
Biochemistry 37 (50), 17355-17360, 1998
Fluorescence decay and spectral evolution in intact photosystem I of higher plants
R Croce, D Dorra, AR Holzwarth, RC Jennings
Biochemistry 39 (21), 6341-6348, 2000
Suppression of both ELIP1 and ELIP2 in Arabidopsis does not affect tolerance to photoinhibition and photooxidative stress
S Rossini, AP Casazza, ECM Engelmann, M Havaux, RC Jennings, ...
Plant Physiology 141 (4), 1264-1273, 2006
The importance of PS I chlorophyll red forms in light-harvesting by leaves
A Rivadossi, G Zucchelli, FM Garlaschi, RC Jennings
Photosynthesis Research 60 (2), 209-215, 1999
Distribution of the chlorophyll spectral forms in the chlorophyll-protein complexes of photosystem II antenna
RC Jennings, R Bassi, FM Garlaschi, P Dainese, G Zucchelli
Biochemistry 32 (13), 3203-3210, 1993
The photochemical trapping rate from red spectral states in PSI–LHCI is determined by thermal activation of energy transfer to bulk chlorophylls
RC Jennings, G Zucchelli, R Croce, FM Garlaschi
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 1557, 91-98, 2003
Involvement of uncoupled antenna chlorophylls in photoinhibition in thylakoids
S Santabarbara, KV Neverov, FM Garlaschi, G Zucchelli, RC Jennings
FEBS letters 491 (1-2), 109-113, 2001
Spectroscopic and molecular characterization of a long wavelength absorbing antenna of Ostreobium sp.
B Koehne, G Elli, RC Jennings, C Wilhelm, HW Trissl
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics 1412 (2), 94-107, 1999
Analysis of some optical properties of a native and reconstituted photosystem II antenna complex, CP29: pigment binding sites can be occupied by chlorophyll a or chlorophyll b …
E Giuffra, G Zucchelli, D Sandona, R Croce, D Cugini, FM Garlaschi, ...
Biochemistry 36 (42), 12984-12993, 1997
Chlorophyll triplet states associated with photosystem II of thylakoids
S Santabarbara, E Bordignon, RC Jennings, D Carbonera
Biochemistry 41 (25), 8184-8194, 2002
Chlorophyll ring deformation modulates Qy electronic energy in chlorophyll-protein complexes and generates spectral forms
G Zucchelli, D Brogioli, AP Casazza, FM Garlaschi, RC Jennings
Biophysical journal 93 (6), 2240-2254, 2007
Photoinhibition in vivo and in vitro Involves Weakly Coupled Chlorophyll–Protein Complexes
S Santabarbara, I Cazzalini, A Rivadossi, FM Garlaschi, G Zucchelli, ...
Photochemistry and Photobiology 75 (6), 613-618, 2002
Gibberellins as endogenous growth regulators in green and brown algae
RC Jennings
Planta 80, 34-42, 1968
Influence of the Photosystem I− Light Harvesting Complex I antenna domains on fluorescence decay
E Engelmann, G Zucchelli, AP Casazza, D Brogioli, FM Garlaschi, ...
Biochemistry 45 (22), 6947-6955, 2006
Gaussian decomposition of absorption and linear dichroism spectra of outer antenna complexes of photosystem II
G Zucchelli, P Dainese, RC Jennings, J Breton, FM Garlaschi, R Bassi
Biochemistry 33 (30), 8982-8990, 1994
Light-induced fluorescence quenching in the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein complex
RC Jennings, FM Garlaschi, G Zucchelli
Photosynthesis research 27, 57-64, 1991
Partition zone penetration by chymotrypsin, and the localization of the chloroplast flavoprotein and photosystem II.
RC Jennings, FM Garlaschi, PD Gerola, G Forti
Biochimica et biophysica acta 546 (2), 207-219, 1979
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Articles 1–20