Michael O'Donnell
Cited by
Cited by
Too good to be true: board structural independence as a moderator of CEO pay‐for‐firm‐performance
A Capezio, J Shields, M O'Donnell
Journal of Management Studies 48 (3), 487-513, 2011
Implementing change in a public agency: Leadership, learning and organisational resilience
J Stewart, M O'Donnell
International Journal of Public Sector Management 20 (3), 239-251, 2007
The Cheabol and Labour in Korea: The Development of Management Strategy in Hyundai
SH Kwon, M O'Donnell
Routledge, 2003
Can enhanced performance management support public sector change?
F Buick, DA Blackman, ME O'Donnell, JL O'Flynn, D West
Journal of Organizational Change Management 28 (2), 271-289, 2015
Performance management and the psychological contract in the Australian federal public sector
M O’Donnell, J Shields
Journal of Industrial Relations 44 (3), 435-457, 2002
Creating a performance culture? Performance‐based pay in the Australian public service
M O'Donnell
Australian journal of public administration 57 (3), 28-40, 1998
More tasks, less secure, working harder: Three dimensions of labour utilisation
C Allan, M O'Donnell, D Peetz
Journal of Industrial Relations 41 (4), 519-535, 1999
Effective practitioner–scholar relationships: Lessons from a coproduction partnership
F Buick, D Blackman, J O'Flynn, M O'Donnell, D West
Public Administration Review 76 (1), 35-47, 2016
Performance-based pay in the Australian public service: Employee perspectives
M O'Donnel, J O'Brien
Review of Public Personnel Administration 20 (2), 20-34, 2000
Repression and struggle: the state, the chaebol and independent trade unions in South Korea
S Kwon, M O'Donnell
Journal of Industrial Relations 41 (2), 272-294, 1999
The generational “exchange” rate: How generations convert career development satisfaction into organisational commitment or neglect of work
J Benson, M Brown, M Glennie, M O'Donnell, P O'Keefe
Human Resource Management Journal 28 (4), 524-539, 2018
Nursing crisis: retention strategies for hospital administrators
CCA Chan, K McBey, M Basset, M O’Donnell, R Winter
Research and Practice in Human Resource Management 12 (2), 31-56, 2004
Exporting new public management: performance agreements in a Pacific microstate
M O'Donnell, M Turner
International Journal of Public Sector Management 18 (7), 615-628, 2005
Managing expectations to create high performance government
DA Blackman, F Buick, J O’Flynn, M O’Donnell, D West
Review of Public Personnel Administration 39 (2), 185-208, 2019
Unions and globalisation: Governments, management, and the state at work
P Fairbrother, J O'Brien, A Junor, M O'Donnell, G Williams
Routledge, 2011
New public management and employment relations in the public services of Australia and New Zealand
M O'Donnell, J O'Brien, A Junor
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 22 (11), 2367-2383, 2011
Developing high performance: Performance management in the Australian Public Service
DA Blackman, F Buick, M O'Donnell, JL O'Flynn, D West
Crawford School Research Paper, 2012
Government, management and unions: the public service under the Workplace Relations Act
J O'Brien, M O'Donnell
Journal of Industrial Relations 41 (3), 446-467, 1999
Performance management: Creating high performance, not high anxiety
D Blackman, D West, J O’Flynn, F Buick, M O’Donnell
W. J, L. H, & YS Managing Under Austerity, Delivering Under Pressure …, 2015
The new public management and workplace change in Australia
M O'Donnell, D Peetz, C Allan
School of Industrial Relations and Organisational Behaviour, University of …, 1999
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Articles 1–20