Ali Darvishi
Cited by
Cited by
Impact of AI assistance on student agency
A Darvishi, H Khosravi, S Sadiq, D Gašević, G Siemens
Computers & Education 210, 104967, 2024
Incorporating AI and learning analytics to build trustworthy peer assessment systems
A Darvishi, H Khosravi, S Sadiq, D Gašević
British Journal of Educational Technology 53 (4), 844-875, 2022
Neurophysiological measurements in higher education: A systematic literature review
A Darvishi, H Khosravi, S Sadiq, B Weber
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 32 (2), 413-453, 2022
Incorporating training, self-monitoring and AI-assistance to improve peer feedback quality
A Darvishi, H Khosravi, S Abdi, S Sadiq, D Gašević
Proceedings of the ninth ACM conference on learning@ scale, 35-47, 2022
Employing peer review to evaluate the quality of student generated content at scale: A trust propagation approach
A Darvishi, H Khosravi, S Sadiq
Proceedings of the eighth ACM conference on learning@ scale, 139-150, 2021
Utilising learnersourcing to inform design loop adaptivity
A Darvishi, H Khosravi, S Sadiq
European conference on technology enhanced learning, 332-346, 2020
Open learner models for multi-activity educational systems
S Abdi, H Khosravi, S Sadiq, A Darvishi
International conference on artificial intelligence in education, 11-17, 2021
A geometric view of similarity measures in data mining
A Darvishi, H Hassanpour
International Journal of Engineering 28 (12), 1728-1737, 2015
A regression-based approach for measuring similarity in discrete signals
H Hassanpour, A Darvishi, A Khalili
International Journal of Electronics 98 (9), 1141-1156, 2011
Translation Invariant Approach for Measuring Similarity of Signals
A Darvishi
Journal of Advances in Computer Research 1, 19-27, 2009
Assessing the quality of student-generated content at scale: A comparative analysis of peer-review models
A Darvishi, H Khosravi, A Rahimi, S Sadiq, D Gašević
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 16 (1), 106-120, 2022
AI and learning analytics to improve peer review and feedback in learnersourcing
A Darvishi
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Articles 1–12