Kelvin Chung
Cited by
Cited by
Quick collision detection of polytopes in virtual environments
K Chung, W Wang
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology …, 1996
Lifetime reduction and enhanced emission of single photon color centers in nanodiamond via surrounding refractive index modification
A Khalid, K Chung, R Rajasekharan, DWM Lau, TJ Karle, BC Gibson, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 11179, 2015
Broadband and robust optical waveguide devices using coherent tunnelling adiabatic passage
K Chung, TJ Karle, M Rab, AD Greentree, S Tomljenovic-Hanic
Optics Express 20 (21), 23108-23116, 2012
Room-temperature single-photon emission from zinc oxide nanoparticle defects and their in vitro photostable intrinsic fluorescence
K Chung, TJ Karle, A Khalid, AN Abraham, R Shukla, BC Gibson, ...
Nanophotonics 6 (1), 269-278, 2017
Quick elimination of non-interference polytopes in virtual environments
K Chung, W Wang
Virtual Environments and Scientific Visualization’96: Proceedings of the …, 1996
Geodec: Enabling geospatial decision making
C Shahabi, YY Chiang, K Chung, KC Huang, J Khoshgozaran-Haghighi, ...
2006 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 93-96, 2006
Emission properties of fluorescent nanoparticles determined by their optical environment
K Chung, S Tomljenovic-Hanic
Nanomaterials 5 (2), 895-905, 2015
Detect collision of polytopes using a heuristic search for separating vectors
XQ Li, XX Meng, CY Wang, WP Wang, K Chung, SM Yiu
Chinese Journal of Computer 26 (7), 837-847, 2003
Room-temperature single-photon emitters in titanium dioxide optical defects
K Chung, YH Leung, CH To, AB Djurišić, S Tomljenovic-Hanic
Beilstein journal of nanotechnology 9 (1), 1085-1094, 2018
Hybrid nanodiamond and titanium dioxide nanobeam cavity design
K Chung, TJ Karle, C Wang, M Lončar, S Tomljenovic-Hanic
Optical Materials Express 7 (3), 785-792, 2017
High-Q Defect-Free 2D Photonic Crystal Cavity from Random Localised Disorder
K Chung, TJ Karle, R Rajasekharan, CM De Sterke, S Tomljenovic-Hanic
Crystals 4 (3), 342-350, 2014
Room temperature single photon emission from zinc oxide nanoparticles formed by ion implantation in silica
K Chung, T Karle, B Gibson, D Simpson, H Amekura, A Djurisic, ...
Proceedings of the10th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim …, 2013
MHz single photon emission from zinc oxide nanoparticles fabricated by ion implantation in silica
TJ Karle, K Chung, BC Gibson, DA Simpson, H Amekura, ...
Proc. 20th Australian Institute of Physics Congress, 2012
Fluorescent defects and optical structures in metal oxides
K Chung
University of Melbourne, School of Physics, Melbourne Graduate School of Science, 2016
Fluorescent nanoparticles for biosensing applications
S Tomljenovic-Hanic, BC Gibson, TJ Karle, A Khalid, K Chung, ...
2013 15th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 1-4, 2013
Occlusion Culling Using Prioritized Visibility Queries
K Chung, S You, U Neumann
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Articles 1–16