Ting Xia
Ting Xia
Research Fellow, Monash University
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Traffic-related air pollution and health co-benefits of alternative transport in Adelaide, South Australia
T Xia, M Nitschke, Y Zhang, P Shah, S Crabb, A Hansen
Environment international 74, 281-290, 2015
Cobenefits of replacing car trips with alternative transportation: a review of evidence and methodological issues
T Xia, Y Zhang, S Crabb, P Shah
Journal of environmental and public health 2013 (1), 797312, 2013
Public attitudes toward encouraging sustainable transportation: An Australian case study
T Xia, Y Zhang, A Braunack-Mayer, S Crabb
International journal of sustainable transportation 11 (8), 593-601, 2017
Risk Reduction Behaviors Regarding PM2.5 Exposure among Outdoor Exercisers in the Nanjing Metropolitan Area, China
L Xiong, J Li, T Xia, X Hu, Y Wang, M Sun, M Tang
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (8), 1728, 2018
The physical and mental health of Australian truck drivers: a national cross-sectional study
C van Vreden, T Xia, A Collie, E Pritchard, S Newnam, DI Lubman, ...
BMC public health 22 (1), 464, 2022
Effect of discharge opioid on persistent postoperative opioid use: a retrospective cohort study comparing tapentadol with oxycodone
T Lam, T Xia, N Biggs, M Treloar, O Cheng, K Kabu, JA Stevens, ...
Anaesthesia 78 (4), 420-431, 2023
Prevalence, predictors and wage replacement duration associated with diagnostic imaging in Australian workers with accepted claims for low back pain: a retrospective cohort study
M Di Donato, R Iles, R Buchbinder, T Xia, A Collie
Journal of occupational rehabilitation 32 (1), 55-63, 2022
Work-related injury and illness in the Victorian healthcare sector: a retrospective analysis of workers’ compensation claim records
T Xia, A Collie
Australian health review 44 (1), 24-30, 2018
General practitioners knowledge and management of whiplash associated disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder: implications for patient care
B Brijnath, S Bunzli, T Xia, N Singh, P Schattner, A Collie, M Sterling, ...
BMC family practice 17, 1-11, 2016
The effect of weight loss interventions in truck drivers: Systematic review
EK Pritchard, HC Kim, N Nguyen, C van Vreden, T Xia, R Iles
PLoS One 17 (2), e0262893, 2022
Work-related injury and illness among older truck drivers in Australia: a population based, retrospective cohort study
S Newnam, T Xia, S Koppel, A Collie
Safety science 112, 189-195, 2019
Impact of work and coping factors on mental health: Australian truck drivers’ perspective
E Pritchard, C Van Vreden, T Xia, S Newnam, A Collie, DI Lubman, ...
BMC public health 23 (1), 1090, 2023
Trends in GP prescribing of psychotropic medications among young patients aged 16–24 years: a case study analysis
B Brijnath, T Xia, L Turner, D Mazza
BMC psychiatry 17, 1-8, 2017
Work-related injury and disease in Australian road transport workers: A retrospective population based cohort study
T Xia, R Iles, S Newnam, DI Lubman, A Collie
Journal of Transport & Health 12, 34-41, 2019
Opioid characteristics and nonopioid interventions associated with successful opioid taper in patients with chronic noncancer pain
M Jung, T Xia, J Ilomäki, C Pearce, S Nielsen
Pain 165 (6), 1327-1335, 2024
Patterns of health service use following work‐related injury and illness in Australian truck drivers: A latent class analysis
T Xia, R Iles, S Newnam, DI Lubman, A Collie
American journal of industrial medicine 63 (2), 180-187, 2020
Factors associated with fatigued driving among Australian truck drivers: a cross-sectional study
X Ren, E Pritchard, C van Vreden, S Newnam, R Iles, T Xia
International journal of environmental research and public health 20 (3), 2732, 2023
Oxidative injury of magnetic ferric oxide nanoparticles to peritoneal macrophage in mice
X Wang, M Tang, T Zhang, L Yang, T Xia, C Zeng, L Xiong, Y Zhang, N Gu
Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research, 2575-2577, 2585, 2007
National Transport and Logistics Industry Health and Wellbeing Study Report No 2: Work-related injury and disease in Australian truck drivers
T Xia, R Iles, S Newnam, A Collie
Monash University, 2018
Changes in opioid and other analgesic prescribing following voluntary and mandatory prescription drug monitoring program implementation: a time series analysis of early outcomes
S Nielsen, L Picco, G Russell, C Pearce, NE Andrew, DI Lubman, JS Bell, ...
International Journal of Drug Policy 117, 104053, 2023
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