Phillip W. Ford
Phillip W. Ford
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Geochemical cycling and speciation of copper in waters and sediments of Macquarie Harbour, Western Tasmania
PR Teasdale, SC Apte, PW Ford, GE Batley, L Koehnken
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 57 (3), 475-487, 2003
Rotationsbarriere in 1, 2‐Dienen; Resonanzenergie des Allyl‐Radikals
WR Roth, G Ruf, PW Ford
Chemische Berichte 107 (1), 48-52, 1974
Spatial and temporal variability in cyanobacterial populations controlled by physical processes
M Bormans, PW Ford, L Fabbro
Journal of plankton Research 27 (1), 61-70, 2005
Using Ra isotopes to examine transport processes controlling benthic fluxes into a shallow estuarine lagoon
GJ Hancock, IT Webster, PW Ford, WS Moore
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 64 (21), 3685-3699, 2000
Using inherent optical properties to investigate biogeochemical dynamics in a tropical macrotidal coastal system
K Oubelkheir, LA Clementson, IT Webster, PW Ford, AG Dekker, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 111 (C7), 2006
Methane and oxygen dynamics in a shallow floodplain lake: the significance of periodic stratification
PW Ford, PI Boon, K Lee
Hydrobiologia 485, 97-110, 2002
Endosulfan transport: II. Modeling airborne dispersal and deposition by spray and vapor
MR Raupach, PR Briggs, N Ahmad, VE Edge
Journal of Environmental Quality 30 (3), 729-740, 2001
A review of solid phase adsorbents for the removal of phosphorus from natural and waste waters
GB Douglas, MS Robb, DN Coad, PW Ford
Phosphorus in Environmental Technology–Removal, Recovery, Applications 13 …, 2004
Phosphorus dynamics in Australian lowland rivers
IT Webster, PW Ford, G Hancock
Marine and Freshwater Research 52 (1), 127-137, 2001
Effect of burrowing macrobenthos on the flux of dissolved substances across the water–sediment interface
PW Ford, FL Bird, GJ Hancock
Marine and Freshwater Research 50 (6), 523-532, 1999
Microphytobenthos contribution to nutrient-phytoplankton dynamics in a shallow coastal lagoon
IT Webster, PW Ford, B Hodgson
Estuaries 25, 540-551, 2002
Onset and persistence of cyanobacterial blooms in a large impounded tropical river, Australia
M Bormans, PW Ford, L Fabbro, G Hancock
Marine and Freshwater Research 55 (1), 1-15, 2004
Organic carbon deliveries and their flow related dynamics in the Fitzroy estuary
P Ford, P Tillman, B Robson, IT Webster
Marine Pollution Bulletin 51 (1-4), 119-127, 2005
Contrasting nutrient exports from a forested and an agricultural catchment in south-eastern Australia
S Vink, PW Ford, M Bormans, C Kelly, C Turley
Biogeochemistry 84, 247-264, 2007
Stereochemistry of the thermal cyclobutane to ethylene reaction. Pyrolysis of 7, 8-cis, exo-dideuteriobicyclo [4.2. 0] octane
JE Baldwin, PW Ford
Journal of the American Chemical Society 91 (25), 7192-7192, 1969
Quantifying ecosystem metabolism in the middle reaches of Murrumbidgee River during irrigation flow releases
S Vink, M Bormans, PW Ford, NJ Grigg
Marine and Freshwater Research 56 (2), 227-241, 2005
Limnological characteristics, eutrophication and cyanobacterial blooms in an inland reservoir, Australia
AKM Rahman, D Al Bakri, P Ford, T Church
Lakes & Reservoirs: Research & Management 10 (4), 211-220, 2005
Delivery, deposition and redistribution of fine sediments within macrotidal Fitzroy Estuary/Keppel Bay: southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia
IT Webster, PW Ford
Continental Shelf Research 30 (7), 793-805, 2010
Fitzroy River Basin, Queensland, Australia. I. Identification of sediment sources in impoundments and flood events
GB Douglas, PW Ford, M Palmer, RM Noble, R Packett
Environmental Chemistry 3 (5), 364-376, 2006
Stereoselective and stereospecific thermal isomerizations of trans-1, 2-di (prop-1'-enyl) cyclopropanes
C Ullenius, PW Ford, JE Baldwin
Journal of the American Chemical Society 94 (16), 5910-5911, 1972
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