Teka Feyera Dewo
Teka Feyera Dewo
University of New England (AU), Postdoctoral Research Fellow
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Epidemiology of gastrointestinal parasites of small ruminants in Gechi District, Southwest Ethiopia
B Emiru, Y Amede, W Tigre, T Feyera, B Deressa
Advances in Biological Research 7 (5), 169-174, 2013
In Vitro Anthelmintic Activity of Crude Extracts of Aerial Parts of Cissus quadrangularis L. and Leaves of Schinus molle L. against Haemonchus contortus
S Zenebe, T Feyera, S Assefa
BioMed research international 2017 (1), 1905987, 2017
Global and regional prevalence of helminth infection in chickens over time: a systematic review and meta-analysis
A Shifaw, T Feyera, SW Walkden-Brown, B Sharpe, T Elliott, I Ruhnke
Poultry Science 100 (5), 101082, 2021
In vitro antibacterial activity of selected medicinal plants in the traditional treatment of skin and wound infections in eastern Ethiopia
B Mummed, A Abraha, T Feyera, A Nigusse, S Assefa
BioMed research international 2018 (1), 1862401, 2018
In Vitro Anthelmintic Activity of Crude Extracts of Artemisia herba-alba and Punica granatum against Haemonchus contortus
AH Ahmed, M Ejo, T Feyera, D Regassa, B Mummed, SA Huluka
Journal of parasitology research 2020 (1), 4950196, 2020
In vivo antimalarial activity of crude extract of aerial part of Artemisia abyssinica against Plasmodium berghei in mice
M Adugna, T Feyera, W Taddese, P Admasu
Global Journal of Pharmacology 8 (3), 460-468, 2014
Characterization of smallholder cattle milk production system in Aleta Chukko District, Southern Ethiopia
K Beriso, B Tamir, T Feyera
J Adv Dairy Res 3 (1), 1-8, 2015
Prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of E. coli isolates from raw meat samples obtained from abattoirs in Dire Dawa City, eastern Ethiopia
O Mohammed, D Shimelis, P Admasu, T Feyera
Int J Microbiol Res 5 (1), 35-39, 2014
Botanical ethnoveterinary therapies used by agro-pastoralists of Fafan zone, Eastern Ethiopia
T Feyera, E Mekonnen, BU Wakayo, S Assefa
BMC veterinary research 13, 1-11, 2017
In Vitro Acaricidal Activity of Selected Medicinal Plants Traditionally Used against Ticks in Eastern Ethiopia
J Kemal, T Zerihun, S Alemu, K Sali, M Nasir, A Abraha, T Feyera
Journal of Parasitology Research 2020 (1), 7834026, 2020
Microbiological quality of raw cow’s milk from four dairy farms in Dire Dawa City, Eastern Ethiopia
S Mesfine, T Feyera, O Mohammed
World J. Dairy Food Sci 10 (1), 09-14, 2015
Prevalence of bovine trypanosomosis and apparent density of tsetse and other biting flies in Mandura District, Northwest Ethiopia
K Lelisa, D Damena, M Kedir, T Feyera
Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Technology 6, 229, 2015
Seroprevalence of bovine brucellosis in eastern Showa, Ethiopia
F Alemu, P Admasu, T Feyera, A Niguse
Acad J Anim Dis 3 (3), 27-32, 2014
Evaluation of in vivo antitrypanosomal activity of crude extracts of Artemisia abyssinica against aTrypanosoma congolense isolate
T Feyera, G Terefe, W Shibeshi
BMC complementary and alternative medicine 14, 1-9, 2014
On-farm phenotypic characterization of indigenous sheep types in Selale Area, Central Ethiopia
B Abera, K Kebede, S Gizaw, T Feyera
Journal of Veterinary Science & Technology 5 (03), 2014
A comparative study on the physicochemical parameters of milk of camel, cow and goat in Somali Regional State, Ethiopia
A Legesse, F Adamu, K Alamirew, T Feyera
Epidemiological and therapeutic studies of camel mange in Fafan zone, Eastern Ethiopia
T Feyera, P Admasu, Z Abdilahi, B Mummed
Parasites & vectors 8, 1-6, 2015
The effect of feeding dried tomato pomace and concentrate feed on body weight change, carcass parameter and economic feasibility on Hararghe highland sheep, eastern Ethiopia
K Gebeyew, G Animut, M Urge, T Feyera
J. Vet. Sci. Technol 6 (1), 2015
Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites and efficacy of anthelmintics against nematodes in camels in Yabello District, Southern Ethiopia
K Demelash, F Alemu, A Niguse, T Feyera
Acta Parasitologica Globalis 5 (3), 223-231, 2014
Publication productivity of academics in Jigjiga University, Ethiopia.
T Feyera, H Atelaw, NA Hassen, G Fufa
Educational Research and Reviews 12 (9), 559-568, 2017
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Articles 1–20