Ellie Owen
Ellie Owen
Conservation Scientist, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, UK
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Cited by
Breeding density, fine‐scale tracking, and large‐scale modeling reveal the regional distribution of four seabird species
ED Wakefield, E Owen, J Baer, MJ Carroll, F Daunt, SG Dodd, JA Green, ...
Ecological Applications 27 (7), 2074-2091, 2017
Spatial scales of marine conservation management for breeding seabirds
S Oppel, M Bolton, APB Carneiro, MP Dias, JA Green, JF Masello, ...
Marine Policy 98, 37-46, 2018
Predicting animal behaviour using deep learning: GPS data alone accurately predict diving in seabirds
E Browning, M Bolton, E Owen, A Shoji, T Guilford, R Freeman
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9 (3), 681-692, 2018
The use of an unsupervised learning approach for characterizing latent behaviors in accelerometer data
M Chimienti, T Cornulier, E Owen, M Bolton, IM Davies, JMJ Travis, ...
Ecology and Evolution 6 (3), 727-741, 2016
Effects of sea temperature and stratification changes on seabird breeding success
MJ Carroll, A Butler, E Owen, SR Ewing, T Cole, JA Green, LM Soanes, ...
Climate Research 66 (1), 75-89, 2015
Defining marine important bird areas: Testing the foraging radius approach
LM Soanes, JA Bright, LP Angel, JPY Arnould, M Bolton, M Berlincourt, ...
Biological conservation 196, 69-79, 2016
Taking movement data to new depths: Inferring prey availability and patch profitability from seabird foraging behavior
M Chimienti, T Cornulier, E Owen, M Bolton, IM Davies, JMJ Travis, ...
Ecology and Evolution 7 (23), 10252-10265, 2017
Renewable energy developments in an uncertain world: the case of offshore wind and birds in the UK
EA Masden, A McCluskie, E Owen, RHW Langston
Marine Policy 51, 169-172, 2015
Identifying important at-sea areas for seabirds using species distribution models and hotspot mapping
IR Cleasby, E Owen, L Wilson, ED Wakefield, P O'Connell, M Bolton
Biological Conservation 241, 108375, 2020
Global assessment of marine plastic exposure risk for oceanic birds
BL Clark, APB Carneiro, EJ Pearmain, MM Rouyer, TA Clay, W Cowger, ...
Nature communications 14 (1), 3665, 2023
Kittiwake breeding success in the southern North Sea correlates with prior sandeel fishing mortality
MJ Carroll, M Bolton, E Owen, GQA Anderson, EK Mackley, EK Dunn, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 27 (6), 1164-1175, 2017
Social foraging European shags: GPS tracking reveals birds from neighbouring colonies have shared foraging grounds
JC Evans, SRX Dall, M Bolton, E Owen, SC Votier
Journal of Ornithology 157, 23-32, 2016
Analysis of fatty acids and fatty alcohols reveals seasonal and sex-specific changes in the diets of seabirds
E Owen, F Daunt, C Moffat, DA Elston, S Wanless, P Thompson
Marine Biology 160, 987-999, 2013
Environmental heterogeneity decreases reproductive success via effects on foraging behaviour
AM Trevail, JA Green, J Sharples, JA Polton, PI Miller, F Daunt, E Owen, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1904), 20190795, 2019
Environmental heterogeneity promotes individual specialisation in habitat selection in a widely distributed seabird
AM Trevail, JA Green, M Bolton, F Daunt, SM Harris, PI Miller, S Newton, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 90 (12), 2875-2887, 2021
Desk-based revision of seabird foraging ranges used for HRA screening
I Woodward, CB Thaxter, E Owen, A Cook
BTO research report 724, 2019
Foraging range scales with colony size in high-latitude seabirds
A Patterson, HG Gilchrist, S Benjaminsen, M Bolton, AS Bonnet-Lebrun, ...
Current Biology 32 (17), 3800-3807. e3, 2022
What is our power to detect device effects in animal tracking studies?
IR Cleasby, BJ Morrissey, M Bolton, E Owen, L Wilson, S Wischnewski, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12 (7), 1174-1185, 2021
Flexible foraging strategies in a diving seabird with high flight cost
A Shoji, E Owen, M Bolton, B Dean, H Kirk, A Fayet, D Boyle, R Freeman, ...
Marine Biology 161, 2121-2129, 2014
Buoys with looming eyes deter seaducks and could potentially reduce seabird bycatch in gillnets
Y Rouxel, R Crawford, IR Cleasby, P Kibel, E Owen, V Volke, AK Schnell, ...
Royal Society open science 8 (5), 210225, 2021
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Articles 1–20