Timothy Ballard
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Cited by
Dynamic self-regulation and multiple-goal pursuit
A Neal, T Ballard, JB Vancouver
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 4 (1 …, 2017
An integrative formal model of motivation and decision making: The MGPM*.
T Ballard, G Yeo, S Loft, JB Vancouver, A Neal
Journal of Applied Psychology 101 (9), 1240, 2016
On the pursuit of multiple goals with different deadlines.
T Ballard, JB Vancouver, A Neal
Journal of Applied Psychology 103 (11), 1242, 2018
An integrated approach to testing dynamic, multilevel theory: Using computational models to connect theory, model, and data
T Ballard, H Palada, M Griffin, A Neal
Organizational Research Methods 24 (2), 251-284, 2021
A blind expert test of contrarian claims about climate data
S Lewandowsky, T Ballard, K Oberauer, R Benestad
Global Environmental Change 39, 91-97, 2016
Uncertainty as knowledge
S Lewandowsky, T Ballard, RD Pancost
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2015
Departures From Optimality When Pursuing Multiple Approach or Avoidance Goals
T Ballard, G Yeo, A Neal, S Farrell
The Journal of Applied Psychology, 2016
When, not if: the inescapability of an uncertain climate future
T Ballard, S Lewandowsky
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical …, 2015
Using response time modeling to understand the sources of dual-task interference in a dynamic environment.
H Palada, A Neal, D Strayer, T Ballard, A Heathcote
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 45 (10 …, 2019
Understanding fatigue in a naval submarine: Applying biomathematical models and workload measurement in an intensive longitudinal design
MK Wilson, T Ballard, L Strickland, AA Boeing, B Cham, MA Griffin, ...
Applied Ergonomics 94, 103412, 2021
Exemplifying “Us”: Integrating social identity theory of leadership with cognitive models of categorization
DK Sewell, T Ballard, NK Steffens
The Leadership Quarterly 33 (4), 101517, 2022
Dissociable effects of tDCS polarity on latent decision processes are associated with individual differences in neurochemical concentrations and cortical morphology
HL Filmer, T Ballard, SE Ehrhardt, S Bollmann, TB Shaw, JB Mattingley, ...
Neuropsychologia 141, 107433, 2020
The dynamics of avoidance goal regulation
T Ballard, G Yeo, J B Vancouver, A Neal
Motivation and Emotion 41, 698-707, 2017
A systematic investigation into the reliability of inter-temporal choice model parameters
T Ballard, A Luckman, E Konstantinidis
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 30 (4), 1294-1322, 2023
Using situation awareness and workload to predict performance in submarine track management: A multilevel approach
S Loft, L Jooste, YR Li, T Ballard, S Huf, OV Lipp, TAW Visser
Human Factors 60 (7), 978-991, 2018
How do we choose our giants? Perceptions of replicability in psychological science
M Alister, R Vickers-Jones, DK Sewell, T Ballard
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 4 (2 …, 2021
A general architecture for modeling the dynamics of goal-directed motivation and decision-making.
T Ballard, A Neal, S Farrell, E Lloyd, J Lim, A Heathcote
Psychological Review 129 (1), 146, 2022
Quantifying the psychological value of goal achievement
T Ballard, S Farrell, A Neal
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 25, 1184-1192, 2018
Polling bias and undecided voter allocations: US presidential elections, 2004–2016
JJ Bon, T Ballard, B Baffour
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 182 …, 2019
Information processing under reward versus under punishment
T Ballard, DK Sewell, D Cosgrove, A Neal
Psychological Science 30 (5), 757-764, 2019
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Articles 1–20