Dr Michał P. Garapich
Dr Michał P. Garapich
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Cited by
Poles apart? EU enlargement and the labour market outcomes of immigrants in the United Kingdom
S Drinkwater, J Eade, M Garapich
International Migration 47 (1), 161-190, 2009
The migration industry and civil society: Polish immigrants in the United Kingdom before and after EU enlargement
MP Garapich
Journal of ethnic and migration studies 34 (5), 735-752, 2008
Class and ethnicity: Polish migrants in London
J Eade, S Drinkwater, M Garapich
ESRC award report, 2006
Poles apart? EU enlargement and the labour market outcomes of immigrants in the UK
S Drinkwater, J Eade, M Garapich
IZA Discussion paper, 2006
Odyssean Refugees, Migrants and Power
M Garapich
Citizenship, Political Engagement and Belonging, 124-143, 2008
Migrants as agents of change
I Grabowska, MP Garapich, E Jazwinska, A Radziwinowiczówna
Social Remittances in an Enlarged European Union, 2017
Migration Strategies of Polish Migrants: Do They Have Any At All?
SD M. Garapich
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 41 (Issue 12,), 1909-1931, 2015
Class and ethnicity: Polish migrant workers in London: Full research report
J Eade, S Drinkwater, M Garapich
ESRC End of Award Report, RES-000-22 1294, 2007
Class and ethnicity: Polish migrant workers in London
J Eade, S Drinkwater, M Garapich
Guildford: Centre for Research on Nationalism, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism, 2007
London's Polish Borders: Transnationalizing Class and Ethnicity among Polish Migrants in London
MP Garapich
Columbia University Press, 2016
Social remittances and intra-EU mobility: non-financial transfers between UK and Poland
I Grabowska, MP Garapich
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 42 (13), 2146-2162, 2016
Between cooperation and hostility–constructions of ethnicity and social class among Polish migrants in London
MP Garapich
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Sociologica 4 (2), 31-45, 2012
What’s behind the figures? An investigation into recent Polish migration to the UK
S Drinkwater, J Eade, M Garapich
A continent moving west, 73-88, 2010
‘I Don’t Want This Town to Change’: Resistance, Bifocality and the Infra-Politics of Social Remittances
MP Garapich
Central and Eastern European Migration Review 5 (2), 155-166, 2016
Poles apart
S Drinkwater, J Eade, M Garapich
EU Enlargement and the Labour Market Outcomes of Immigrants in the UK …, 2006
Transnationalism revisited – a decade of migration between Poland and the United Kingdom. Introduction to the Special Issue
M Garapich
Studia Migracyjne-Przeglad Polonijny 1, 5-11, 2011
Migracje, społeczeństwo obywatelskie i władza. Uwarunkowania stowarzyszeniowości etnicznej i rozwoju społeczeństwa obywatelskiego wśród polskich emigrantów w Wielkiej Brytani
M Garapich
Współczesne migracje: dylematy Europy i Polski. Publikacja z okazji 15-lecia …, 2009
Polish migration to the UK: continuities and discontinuities
F Düvell, M Garapich
Centre on Migration, Policy and Societies Working Paper 84, 2011
Polscy migranci w Londynie–klasa społeczna i etniczność
J Eade, S Drinkwater, MP Garapich
Raport z badań, University of Surrey, CRONEM, Surrey, 2006
Migration plans and strategies of recent Polish migrants to England and Wales: Do they have any and how do they change?
SJ Drinkwater, MP Garapich
NORFACE Research Programme on Migration, Department of Economics, Univ …, 2013
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Articles 1–20