Paul K Jones
Paul K Jones
Professor of Sociology (Honorary), The Australian National University
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International TV news, foreign affairs interest and public knowledge: A comparative study of foreign news coverage and public opinion in 11 countries
T Aalberg, S Papathanassopoulos, S Soroka, J Curran, K Hayashi, ...
Journalism Studies 14 (3), 387-406, 2013
Sources in the news: A comparative study
R Tiffen, PK Jones, D Rowe, T Aalberg, S Coen, J Curran, K Hayashi, ...
Journalism studies 15 (4), 374-391, 2014
Auntie knows best? Public broadcasters and current affairs knowledge
S Soroka, B Andrew, T Aalberg, S Iyengar, J Curran, S Coen, K Hayashi, ...
British Journal of Political Science 43 (4), 719-739, 2013
Why are “others” so polarized? Perceived political polarization and media use in 10 countries
JH Yang, H Rojas, M Wojcieszak, T Aalberg, S Coen, J Curran, K Hayashi, ...
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 21 (5), 349-367, 2016
Online threat, but television is still dominant: A comparative study of 11 nations’ news consumption
S Papathanassopoulos, S Coen, J Curran, T Aalberg, D Rowe, P Jones, ...
Journalism Practice 7 (6), 690-704, 2013
Raymond Williams’s sociology of culture
PK Jones
A Critical Reconstruction, Houndsmill: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004
Reconsidering ‘virtuous circle’and ‘media malaise’theories of the media: An 11-nation study
J Curran, S Coen, S Soroka, T Aalberg, K Hayashi, Z Hichy, S Iyengar, ...
Journalism 15 (7), 815-833, 2014
Internet revolution revisited: a comparative study of online news
J Curran, S Coen, T Aalberg, K Hayashi, PK Jones, S Splendore, ...
Media, Culture & Society 35 (7), 880-897, 2013
Border communication: Media sociology and STS
J Wajcman, PK Jones
Media, Culture & Society 34 (6), 673-690, 2012
Key concepts in media and communications
PK Jones, D Holmes
Sage, 2011
The myth of ‘Raymond Hoggart’: On ‘founding fathers’ and cultural policy
PK Jones
Cultural Studies 8 (3), 394-416, 1994
The impact of the mobile phone on work/life balance
J Wajcman, M Bittman, PK Jones, L Johnstone, J Brown
Canberra: Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association & Australian …, 2007
The Technology Is Not the Cultural Form? Raymond Williams's Sociological Critique of Marshall McLuhan
PK Jones
Canadian Journal of Communication 23 (4), 423-454, 1998
Political communication and ‘media system’: The Australian canary
PK Jones, M Pusey
Media, Culture & Society 32 (3), 451-471, 2010
Beyond the semantic ‘big bang’: cultural sociology and an aesthetic public sphere
PK Jones
Cultural sociology 1 (1), 73-95, 2007
Moral panic: the legacy of Stan Cohen and Stuart Hall
P Jones
Media International Australia 85 (1), 6-16, 1997
Mediated political communication in Australia: leading issues, new evidence
P Jones, M Pusey
Australian Journal of Social Issues 43 (4), 583-599, 2008
Democratic norms and means of communication: Public sphere, fourth estate, freedom of communication
P Jones
Critical Horizons 1 (2), 307-339, 2000
Insights from the infamous: Recovering the social-theoretical first phase of populism studies
PK Jones
European Journal of Social Theory 22 (4), 458-476, 2019
The best of both worlds? Freedom of communication andpositive'broadcasting regulation
P Jones
Media, Culture & Society 23 (3), 385-396, 2001
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Articles 1–20