Genevieve Dingle
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Cited by
The new psychology of health: Unlocking the social cure
C Haslam, J Jetten, T Cruwys, G Dingle, SA Haslam
Routledge, 2018
Social group memberships protect against future depression, alleviate depression symptoms and prevent depression relapse
T Cruwys, GA Dingle, C Haslam, SA Haslam, J Jetten, TA Morton
Social science & medicine 98, 179-186, 2013
Depression and social identity: An integrative review
T Cruwys, SA Haslam, GA Dingle, C Haslam, J Jetten
Personality and Social Psychology Review 18 (3), 215-238, 2014
How groups affect our health and well‐being: The path from theory to policy
J Jetten, C Haslam, SA Haslam, G Dingle, JM Jones
Social issues and policy review 8 (1), 103-130, 2014
Groups 4 Health: Evidence that a social-identity intervention that builds and strengthens social group membership improves mental health
C Haslam, T Cruwys, SA Haslam, G Dingle, MXL Chang
Journal of affective disorders 194, 188-195, 2016
Having a lot of a good thing: Multiple important group memberships as a source of self-esteem
J Jetten, NR Branscombe, SA Haslam, C Haslam, T Cruwys, JM Jones, ...
PloS one 10 (5), e0124609, 2015
‘To be heard’: The social and mental health benefits of choir singing for disadvantaged adults
GA Dingle, C Brander, J Ballantyne, FA Baker
Psychology of music 41 (4), 405-421, 2013
Social identities as pathways into and out of addiction
GA Dingle, T Cruwys, D Frings
Frontiers in psychology 6, 1795, 2015
Feeling connected again: Interventions that increase social identification reduce depression symptoms in community and clinical settings
T Cruwys, SA Haslam, GA Dingle, J Jetten, MJ Hornsey, EMD Chong, ...
Journal of affective disorders 159, 139-146, 2014
Breaking good: Breaking ties with social groups may be good for recovery from substance misuse
GA Dingle, C Stark, T Cruwys, D Best
British journal of social psychology 54 (2), 236-254, 2015
Young people's uses of music for well-being
ZE Papinczak, GA Dingle, SR Stoyanov, L Hides, O Zelenko
Journal of Youth Studies 18 (9), 1119-1134, 2015
Extreme metal music and anger processing
L Sharman, GA Dingle
Frontiers in human neuroscience 9, 127226, 2015
A systematic review of mental health and wellbeing outcomes of group singing for adults with a mental health condition
E Williams, GA Dingle, S Clift
European journal of public health 28 (6), 1035-1042, 2018
The effectiveness of group cognitive behaviour therapy for unipolar depressive disorders
TPS Oei, G Dingle
Journal of affective disorders 107 (1-3), 5-21, 2008
Social Identity Mapping: A procedure for visual representation and assessment of subjective multiple group memberships
T Cruwys, NK Steffens, SA Haslam, C Haslam, J Jetten, GA Dingle
British Journal of Social Psychology 55 (4), 613-642, 2016
Music therapy and emotional exploration: Exposing substance abuse clients to the experiences of non-drug-induced emotions
FA Baker, LM Gleadhill, GA Dingle
The Arts in Psychotherapy 34 (4), 321-330, 2007
GROUPS 4 HEALTH reduces loneliness and social anxiety in adults with psychological distress: Findings from a randomized controlled trial.
C Haslam, T Cruwys, MXL Chang, SV Bentley, SA Haslam, GA Dingle, ...
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 87 (9), 787, 2019
Loneliness among people with substance use problems: A narrative systematic review
I Ingram, PJ Kelly, FP Deane, AL Baker, MCW Goh, DK Raftery, GA Dingle
Drug and Alcohol Review 39 (5), 447-483, 2020
Can music therapy engage patients in group cognitive behaviour therapy for substance abuse treatment?
GA Dingle, L Gleadhill, FA Baker
Drug and alcohol review 27 (2), 190-196, 2008
Factors influencing Queenslanders’ willingness to perform bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation
TC Johnston, MJ Clark, GA Dingle, G FitzGerald
Resuscitation 56 (1), 67-75, 2003
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Articles 1–20