Butturini A
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Cited by
Nitrogen removal by riparian buffers along a European climatic gradient: patterns and factors of variation
S Sabater, A Butturini, JC Clement, T Burt, D Dowrick, M Hefting, V Matre, ...
Ecosystems 6, 0020-0030, 2003
The role of vegetation and litter in the nitrogen dynamics of riparian buffer zones in Europe
MM Hefting, JC Clement, P Bienkowski, D Dowrick, C Guenat, A Butturini, ...
Ecological Engineering 24 (5), 465-482, 2005
Water table fluctuations in the riparian zone: comparative results from a pan-European experiment
TP Burt, G Pinay, FE Matheson, NE Haycock, A Butturini, JC Clement, ...
Journal of hydrology 265 (1-4), 129-148, 2002
Effects of riparian vegetation removal on nutrient retention in a Mediterranean stream
F Sabater, A Butturini, E MartÍ, I Muñoz, A Romaní, J Wray, S Sabater
Journal of the North American Benthological Society 19 (4), 609-620, 2000
Nitrogen processes in aquatic ecosystems
P Durand, L Breuer, PJ Johnes, G Billen, A Butturini, G Pinay, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2011
River ecosystem processes: A synthesis of approaches, criteria of use and sensitivity to environmental stressors
D Von Schiller, V Acuña, I Aristi, M Arroita, A Basaguren, A Bellin, ...
Science of the Total Environment 596, 465-480, 2017
Seasonal variations of dissolved nitrogen and DOC: DON ratios in an intermittent Mediterranean stream
S Bernal, A Butturini, F Sabater
Biogeochemistry 75, 351-372, 2005
Testing a climato-topographic index for predicting wetlands distribution along an European climate gradient
P Merot, H Squividant, P Aurousseau, M Hefting, T Burt, V Maitre, M Kruk, ...
Ecological modelling 163 (1-2), 51-71, 2003
Diversity and temporal sequences of forms of DOC and NO3‐discharge responses in an intermittent stream: Predictable or random succession?
A Butturini, M Alvarez, S Bernal, E Vazquez, F Sabater
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 113 (G3), 2008
Influences of the stream groundwater hydrology on nitrate concentration in unsaturated riparian area bounded by an intermittent Mediterranean stream
A Butturini, S Bernal, C Hellin, E Nin, L Rivero, S Sabater, F Sabater
Water Resources Research 39 (4), 2003
Cross-site Comparison of Variability of DOC and Nitrate cq Hysteresis during the Autumn–winter Period in Three Mediterranean Headwater Streams: A Synthetic …
B Andrea, G Francesc, L Jérôme, V Eusebi, S Francesc
Biogeochemistry 77, 327-349, 2006
Organic matter availability during pre-and post-drought periods in a Mediterranean stream
I Ylla, I Sanpera-Calbet, E Vázquez, AM Romaní, I Munoz, A Butturini, ...
Global Change and River Ecosystems—Implications for Structure, Function and …, 2010
Ammonium and phosphate retention in a Mediterranean stream: hydrological versus temperature control
A Butturini, F Sabater
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55 (8), 1938-1945, 1998
Dissolved organic matter composition in a fragmented Mediterranean fluvial system under severe drought conditions
E Vazquez, S Amalfitano, S Fazi, A Butturini
Biogeochemistry 102, 59-72, 2011
Variability of DOC and nitrate responses to storms in a small Mediterranean forested catchment
S Bernal, A Butturini, F Sabater
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 6 (6), 1031-1041, 2002
The influence of riparian-hyporheic zone on the hydrological responses in an intermittent stream
A Butturini, S Bernal, S Sabater, F Sabater
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 6 (3), 515-526, 2002
Microbial availability and size fractionation of dissolved organic carbon after drought in an intermittent stream: biogeochemical link across the stream–riparian interface
AM Romaní, E Vázquez, A Butturini
Microbial ecology 52, 501-512, 2006
Nitrification in stream sediment biofilms: the role of ammonium concentration and DOC quality
A Butturini, TJ Battin, F Sabater
Water Research 34 (2), 629-639, 2000
Leaf litter dynamics and nitrous oxide emission in a Mediterranean riparian forest: implications for soil nitrogen dynamics
S Bernal, A Butturini, E Nin, F Sabater, S Sabater
Journal of Environmental Quality 32 (1), 191-197, 2003
Importance of transient storage zones for ammonium and phosphate retention in a sandy‐bottom Mediterranean stream
A Butturini, F Sabater
Freshwater Biology 41 (3), 593-603, 1999
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Articles 1–20