Jenny Vuong
Jenny Vuong
EpiCentre, Art & Design, UNSW
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Cited by
Cited by
Visualization of biomedical data
SI O'Donoghue, BF Baldi, SJ Clark, AE Darling, JM Hogan, S Kaur, ...
Annual Review of Biomedical Data Science 1 (1), 275-304, 2018
Bone fibrillogenesis and mineralization: quantitative analysis and implications for tissue elasticity
J Vuong, C Hellmich
Journal of theoretical biology 287, 115-130, 2011
Comparative eye-tracking evaluation of scatterplots and parallel coordinates
R Netzel, J Vuong, U Engelke, S O’Donoghue, D Weiskopf, J Heinrich
Visual Informatics 1 (2), 118-131, 2017
SnapShot: phosphoregulation of mitosis
A Burgess, J Vuong, S Rogers, M Malumbres, SI O’Donoghue
Cell 169 (7), 1358-1358. e1, 2017
Temporal ordering of omics and multiomic events inferred from time-series data
S Kaur, TJ Peters, P Yang, LDW Luu, J Vuong, JR Krycer, SI O’Donoghue
NPJ Systems Biology and Applications 6 (1), 22, 2020
Versus—A tool for evaluating visualizations and image quality using a 2AFC methodology
J Vuong, S Kaur, J Heinrich, BK Ho, CJ Hammang, BF Baldi, ...
Visual Informatics 2 (4), 225-234, 2018
No single, stable 3D representation can explain pointing biases in a spatial updating task
J Vuong, AW Fitzgibbon, A Glennerster
Scientific reports 9 (1), 12578, 2019
Visualization and analysis of epiproteome dynamics
S Kaur, B Baldi, J Vuong, SI O'Donoghue
Journal of molecular biology 431 (8), 1519-1539, 2019
Evaluating viewpoint entropy for ribbon representation of protein structure
J Heinrich, J Vuong, CJ Hammang, A Wu, M Rittenbruch, J Hogan, ...
Computer Graphics Forum 35 (3), 181-190, 2016
Visual performance in multidimensional data characterisation with scatterplots and parallel coordinates
U Engelke, J Vuong, J Heinrich
Electronic Imaging 28, 1-6, 2016
SnapShot: S-phase entry and exit
A Burgess, J Vuong, KA Marzec, UN de Lichtenberg, SI O’Donoghue, ...
Cell 179 (3), 802-802. e1, 2019
A benchmark dataset for analyzing and visualizing the dynamic epiproteome
S Kaur, B Baldi, J Vuong, SI O'Donoghue
Data in brief 25, 104000, 2019
Human pointing errors suggest a flattened, task-dependent representation of space
J Vuong, AW Fitzgibbon, A Glennerster
bioRxiv, 390088, 2018
Modelling observers' errors in pointing to an unseen target
A Glennerster, J Vuong, A Fitzgibbon
Journal of Vision 15 (12), 1080-1080, 2015
Investigating scene representation in human observers using a spatial updating task
J Vuong
University of Reading, School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences, 2015
The effect of walking and teleportation on spatial updating in virtual and real scenes
J Vuong, LC Pickup, A Glennerster
i-Perception 4 (7), 483-483, 2013
Assessing 2D visual encoding of 3D spatial connectivity
BF Baldi, J Vuong, SI O’Donoghue
Frontiers in Bioinformatics 3, 1232671, 2024
VADAR: A Vision-based Anomaly Detection Algorithm for Railroads
D Breuss, M Götzinger, J Vuong, C Reisner, A Jantsch
2023 26th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), 130-137, 2023
Visual analytics, narrative visualisation for data farming of modelling complex warfighting
T Bednarz, H Nguyen, J Voung, C Bourke, R Lawther, L Wells, ...
University of Tasmania, 2019
Developing a Visual Analytics Tool for Large-Scale Proteomics Time-Series Data
J Vuong, C Stolte, S Kaur, S O'Donoghue
2016 Big Data Visual Analytics (BDVA), 1-2, 2016
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Articles 1–20