Matthew Rowles
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Cited by
Atomically dispersed transition metals on carbon nanotubes with ultrahigh loading for selective electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction
Y Cheng, S Zhao, B Johannessen, JP Veder, M Saunders, MR Rowles, ...
Advanced Materials 30 (13), 1706287, 2018
Chemical optimisation of the compressive strength of aluminosilicate geopolymers synthesised by sodium silicate activation of metakaolinite
M Rowles, B O'connor
Journal of materials chemistry 13 (5), 1161-1165, 2003
Universal Scherrer equation for graphene fragments
DJ Lim, NA Marks, MR Rowles
Carbon 162, 475-480, 2020
29Si, 27Al, 1H and 23Na MAS NMR Study of the Bonding Character in Aluminosilicate Inorganic Polymers
MR Rowles, JV Hanna, KJ Pike, ME Smith, BH O'connor
Applied Magnetic Resonance 32, 663-689, 2007
Chemical and structural microanalysis of aluminosilicate geopolymers synthesized by sodium silicate activation of metakaolinite
MR Rowles, BH O'Connor
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 92 (10), 2354-2361, 2009
Relationship between surface concentration of l-leucine and bulk powder properties in spray dried formulations
S Mangal, F Meiser, G Tan, T Gengenbach, J Denman, MR Rowles, ...
European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 94, 160-169, 2015
Inhibiting in situ phase transition in Ruddlesden-Popper perovskite via tailoring bond hybridization and its application in oxygen permeation
N Han, X Guo, J Cheng, P Liu, S Zhang, S Huang, MR Rowles, J Fransaer, ...
Matter 4 (5), 1720-1734, 2021
Effects of moisture-induced crystallization on the aerosol performance of spray dried amorphous ciprofloxacin powder formulations
N Shetty, L Zeng, S Mangal, H Nie, MR Rowles, R Guo, Y Han, JH Park, ...
Pharmaceutical research 35, 1-13, 2018
Investigation of geopolymers containing fly ash and ground-granulated blast-furnace slag blended by amorphous ratios
CK Lau, MR Rowles, GN Parnham, T Htut, TS Ng
Construction and Building Materials 222, 731-737, 2019
Activation-free supercapacitor electrode based on surface-modified Sr2CoMo1-xNixO6-δ perovskite
Y Liu, Z Wang, Y Zhong, X Xu, JPM Veder, MR Rowles, M Saunders, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 390, 124645, 2020
Fluoride substitution in sodium hydride for thermal energy storage applications
TD Humphries, DA Sheppard, MR Rowles, MV Sofianos, CE Buckley
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (31), 12170-12178, 2016
Synthesis of NaAlH4/Al composites and their applications in hydrogen storage
E Ianni, MV Sofianos, MR Rowles, DA Sheppard, TD Humphries, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43 (36), 17309-17317, 2018
Effect of SO2 poisoning on the electrochemical activity of La0. 6Sr0. 4Co0. 2Fe0. 8O3-δ cathodes of solid oxide fuel cells
CC Wang, S He, K Chen, MR Rowles, S Darvish, Y Zhong
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 164 (6), F514, 2017
Thermodynamics and performance of the Mg–H–F system for thermochemical energy storage applications
MS Tortoza, TD Humphries, DA Sheppard, M Paskevicius, MR Rowles, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (4), 2274-2283, 2018
Defining graphenic crystallites in disordered carbon: moving beyond the platelet model
KJ Putman, MR Rowles, NA Marks, C de Tomas, JW Martin, ...
Carbon 209, 117965, 2023
Why do colloidal wurtzite semiconductor nanoplatelets have an atomically uniform thickness of eight monolayers?
Y Pang, M Zhang, D Chen, W Chen, F Wang, SJ Anwar, M Saunders, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10 (12), 3465-3471, 2019
Aberration corrections for non-Bragg–Brentano diffraction geometries
MR Rowles, CE Buckley
Journal of Applied Crystallography 50 (1), 240-251, 2017
Complex hydrides as thermal energy storage materials: characterisation and thermal decomposition of Na 2 Mg 2 NiH 6
TD Humphries, DA Sheppard, G Li, MR Rowles, M Paskevicius, M Matsuo, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (19), 9099-9108, 2018
Sample-displacement correction for whole-pattern profile fitting of powder diffraction data collected in capillary geometry
NVY Scarlett, MR Rowles, KS Wallwork, IC Madsen
Journal of Applied Crystallography 44 (1), 60-64, 2011
Whole-pattern profile fitting of powder diffraction data collected in parallel-beam flat-plate asymmetric reflection geometry
MR Rowles, IC Madsen
Journal of Applied Crystallography 43 (3), 632-634, 2010
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Articles 1–20