Dr Amy K. McLennan
Dr Amy K. McLennan
College of Systems and Society, ANU | School of Anthropology, University of Oxford
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Cited by
Obesity emergence in the Pacific islands: why understanding colonial history and social change is important
AK McLennan, SJ Ulijaszek
Public Health Nutrition, 2014
Framing obesity in UK policy from the Blair years, 1997–2015: the persistence of individualistic approaches despite overwhelming evidence of societal and economic factors, and …
SJ Ulijaszek, AK McLennan
Obesity Reviews 17 (5), 397-411, 2016
The ‘who’ and ‘what’ of #diabetes on Twitter
USJ Beguerisse-Díaz M, McLennan AK, Garduño-Hernández G, Barahona M
Digital Health 3, 1-29, 2017
Body size, body norms and some unintended consequences of obesity intervention in the Pacific islands
J Hardin, AK McLennan, A Brewis
Annals of human biology 45 (3), 285-294, 2018
Governance by campaign: The co-constitution of food issues, publics and expertise through new information and communication technologies
T Schneider, K Eli, A McLennan, C Dolan, J Lezaun, S Ulijaszek
Information, Communication & Society 22 (2), 172-192, 2019
Beware the medicalisation of loneliness
AK McLennan, SJ Ulijaszek
The Lancet 391 (10129), 1480, 2018
Was acupuncture developed by H an D ynasty C hinese anatomists?
V Shaw, AK Mclennan
The Anatomical Record 299 (5), 643-659, 2016
A comparative ethnography of nutrition interventions: Structural violence and the industrialisation of agrifood systems in the Caribbean and the Pacific
M Wilson, A McLennan
Social Science and Medicine 228, 172-180, 2019
Health and medicine cannot solve COVID-19
AK McLennan, AKK Hansen, SJ Ulijaszek
The Lancet 396 (10251), 599-600, 2020
Configuring relations of care in an online consumer protection organization
K Eli, AK McLennan, T Schneider
Careful eating: Bodies, food and care, 173-194, 2016
Do more data equal more truth? Toward a cybernetic approach to data
G Bell, M Gould, B Martin, A McLennan, E O’Brien
Australian Journal of Social Issues 56 (2), 213-222, 2021
The problem with relying on dietary surveys: sociocultural correctives to theories of dietary change in the Pacific islands
AK McLennan, M Shimonovich, SJ Ulijaszek, M Wilson
Annals of human biology 45 (3), 272-284, 2018
Local food, imported food, and the failures of community gardening initiatives in Nauru
AK McLennan
Postcolonialism, Indigeneity and Struggles for Food Sovereignty: Alternative …, 2017
Bringing everyday life into the study of'lifestyle diseases': Lessons from an ethnographic investigation of obesity emergence in Nauru
AK McLennan
Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford Online 7 (3), 2015
Non-communicable diseases and risk factors in migrants from South Asian countries
AK McLennan, H Jayaweera
UK: Oxford University, 2014
An anthropological insight into the Pacific island diabetes crisis and its clinical implications
A McLennan, S Ulijaszek
Diabetes Management 5 (3), 2015
An ethnographic investigation of lifestyle change, living for the moment, and obesity emergence in Nauru
A McLennan
University of Oxford, 2013
Social aspects of dietary sugars
AK McLennan, SJ Ulijaszek, K Eli
Dietary Sugars and Health: From Biology to Policy, 2014
Diabetes on Twitter: Influence, activism and what we can learn from all the food jokes
AK McLennan, S Ulijaszek, M Beguerisse-Díaz
Digital Food Activism, 43-69, 2017
The global role of natural disaster fatalities in decision-making: statistics, trends and analysis from 116 years of disaster data compared to fatality rates from other causes
J Daniell, F Wenzel, A McLennan, K Daniell, T Kunz-Plapp, B Khazai, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-2021, 2016
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Articles 1–20