Steven T. Zech
Cited by
Cited by
Recovering civility during COVID-19
M Bonotti, ST Zech
Springer Nature, 2021
Social network analysis in the study of terrorism and insurgency: From organization to politics
ST Zech, M Gabbay
International Studies Review 18 (2), 214-243, 2016
Off with their heads: The Islamic State and civilian beheadings
ST Zech, Z Kelly
Journal of Terrorism Research 6 (2), 83-93, 2015
Policy narratives, localisation, and public justification: responses to COVID-19
M Mintrom, MR Rublee, M Bonotti, ST Zech
Journal of European Public Policy 28 (8), 1219-1237, 2021
Disaggregating civility: Politeness, public-mindedness and their connection
A Bardon, M Bonotti, ST Zech, W Ridge
British Journal of Political Science 53 (1), 308-325, 2023
Between Two Fires: Civilian Resistance during Internal Armed Conflict in Peru
ST Zech
Dissertation. University of Washington, 2016
Environmental pressures and pro-government militias: Evidence from the Philippines
J Eastin, ST Zech
Conflict Management and Peace Science 40 (5), 489-510, 2023
Active Learning in Large Graduate Classes: Reflections on an “Attaining Citizenship” Simulation
A Deejay, MR Rublee, ST Zech
Journal of Political Science Education 15 (1), 120-132, 2019
Educating citizens to public reason: what can we learn from interfaith dialogue?
A Bardon, M Bonotti, ST Zech
Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (7 …, 2024
Drug-Trafficking, Terrorism, and Civilian Self-Defense in Peru
ST Zech
CTC Sentinel 7 (4), 18-22, 2014
Joining the counterinsurgency: explaining pro-government militia participation in the Philippines
J Eastin, ST Zech
Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 45 (9), 817-841, 2022
Active learning and the graduate classroom: How gender and international student status affect preferences and experiences
ST Zech, MR Rublee, A Deejay, WM Flanik
Journal of Political Science Education 18 (1), 22-34, 2022
Counter-Terrorizing: The Use of Torture in Peru's Counterterrorism Campaign
ST Zech
Terrorism and political violence 29 (2), 254-276, 2017
The uneven expansion of electricity supply in India: The logics of clientelism, incrementalism and maximin
AM Arranz, R Thomson, S Zech, G Hegde, D Arunachalam, AB Rao
Energy Research & Social Science 78, 102126, 2021
Staging Peace: Community Organizations, Theatrical Performance, and Violent Conflict in Peru
ST Zech
Civil Action and the Dynamics of Violence, 64-88, 2019
Partisan civility and civic education
M Bonotti, ST Zech
Journal of Moral Education 52 (1), 54-66, 2023
COVID-19 in everyday spaces: Social and political considerations
M Bonotti, A Borghini, N Piras, B Serini, S Zech
Decapitation, disruption, and unintended consequences in counterterrorism: lessons from Islamist terror networks in Spain
ST Zech
Defense & Security Analysis 32 (2), 177-191, 2016
UNGASS 2016 and Drug Policy in Latin America
ST Zech
Narrative fusion and layering: statecraft and the shaping of Boris Johnson’s pandemic narrative, 2020–2021
B Wellings, M Bonotti, MR Rublee, ST Zech
British Politics 19 (2), 234-252, 2024
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Articles 1–20