Melissa K Hyde
Melissa K Hyde
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Dialling and driving: Factors influencing intentions to use a mobile phone while driving
SP Walsh, KM White, MK Hyde, B Watson
Accident Analysis & Prevention 40 (6), 1893-1900, 2008
The psychology of blood donation: current research and future directions
BM Masser, KM White, MK Hyde, DJ Terry
Transfusion medicine reviews 22 (3), 215-233, 2008
Predicting blood donation intentions and behavior among Australian blood donors: testing an extended theory of planned behavior model
BM Masser, KM White, MK Hyde, DJ Terry, NG Robinson
Transfusion 49 (2), 320-329, 2009
Predictors of young people's charitable intentions to donate money: An extended theory of planned behavior perspective
SR Knowles, MK Hyde, KM White
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 42 (9), 2096-2110, 2012
Mobile phone use while driving: An investigation of the beliefs influencing drivers’ hands-free and hand-held mobile phone use
KM White, MK Hyde, SP Walsh, B Watson
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 13 (1), 9-20, 2010
Episodic volunteering and retention: An integrated theoretical approach
MK Hyde, J Dunn, C Bax, SK Chambers
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 45 (1), 45-63, 2016
To be a donor or not to be? Applying an extended theory of planned behavior to predict posthumous organ donation intentions
MK Hyde, KM White
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 39 (4), 880-900, 2009
A further exploration of sensation seeking propensity, reward sensitivity, depression, anxiety, and the risky behaviour of young novice drivers in a structural equation model
B Scott-Parker, B Watson, MJ King, MK Hyde
Accident Analysis & Prevention 50, 465-471, 2013
Trajectories of quality of life, life satisfaction, and psychological adjustment after prostate cancer
SK Chambers, SK Ng, P Baade, JF Aitken, MK Hyde, G Wittert, ...
Psycho‐oncology 26 (10), 1576-1585, 2017
The role of self-perceptions in the prediction of household recycling behavior in Australia
KM White, MK Hyde
Environment and Behavior 44 (6), 785-799, 2012
Speeding by young novice drivers: What can personal characteristics and psychosocial theory add to our understanding?
B Scott-Parker, MK Hyde, B Watson, MJ King
Accident Analysis & Prevention 50, 242-250, 2013
Predicting intentions to donate blood among nondonors in Australia: an extended theory of planned behavior
NG Robinson, BM Masser, KM White, MK Hyde, DJ Terry
Transfusion 48 (12), 2559-2567, 2008
Erectile dysfunction, masculinity, and psychosocial outcomes: a review of the experiences of men after prostate cancer treatment
SK Chambers, E Chung, G Wittert, MK Hyde
Translational andrology and urology 6 (1), 60, 2017
Systematic review of motives for episodic volunteering
J Dunn, SK Chambers, MK Hyde
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 27 …, 2016
Use of online health information to manage children’s health care: a prospective study investigating parental decisions
AM Walsh, K Hamilton, KM White, MK Hyde
BMC health services research 15 (1), 131, 2015
What predicts Australian university students' intentions to volunteer their time for community service?
MK Hyde, SR Knowles
Australian Journal of Psychology 65 (3), 135-145, 2013
“They’re lunatics on the road”: Exploring the normative influences of parents, friends, and police on young novices’ risky driving decisions
B Scott-Parker, B Watson, MJ King, MK Hyde
Safety science 50 (9), 1917-1928, 2012
The impact of changes to the graduated driver licensing program in Queensland, Australia on the experiences of Learner drivers
BJ Scott-Parker, L Bates, BC Watson, MJ King, MK Hyde
Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (4), 1301-1308, 2011
Understanding the factors influencing safe and unsafe motorcycle rider intentions
DJ Tunnicliff, BC Watson, KM White, MK Hyde, CC Schonfeld, DE Wishart
Accident Analysis & Prevention 49, 133-141, 2012
The influence of sensitivity to reward and punishment, propensity for sensation seeking, depression, and anxiety on the risky behaviour of novice drivers: a path model
B Scott‐Parker, B Watson, MJ King, MK Hyde
British journal of psychology 103 (2), 248-267, 2012
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