Danny Toohey
Danny Toohey
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Cited by
Do academics and university administrators really know better? The ethics of positioning student perspectives in learning analytics
D West, A Luzeckyj, D Toohey, J Vanderlelie, B Searle
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 36 (2), 60-70, 2020
An evaluation of hospital information systems integration approaches
N Sabooniha, D Toohey, K Lee
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing …, 2012
Higher Education Teachers’ Experiences with Learning Analytics in Relation to Student Retention
D West, H Huijser, D Heath, A Lizzio, D Toohey, C Miles
ascilite2015, 308, 2015
Learning analytics experience among academics in Australia and Malaysia: A comparison
D West, Z Tasir, A Luzeckyj, KS Na, D Toohey, Z Abdullah, B Searle, ...
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 34 (3), 2018
Learning analytics: Assisting universities with student retention
D West, H Huijser, A Lizzio, D Toohey, C Miles, B Searle, J Bronnimann
Final Report (Part 1): Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching, 2015
Development and testing of an IoT spectroscopic nutrient monitoring system for use in micro indoor smart hydroponics
JD Stevens, D Murray, D Diepeveen, D Toohey
Horticulturae 9 (2), 185, 2023
Perspectives from the stakeholder: Students’ views regarding learning analytics and data collection
D West, A Luzeckyj, B Searle, D Toohey, J Vanderlelie, KR Bell
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 36 (6), 72-88, 2020
Factors influencing consumer adoption of electronic health records
N Mathai, T McGill, D Toohey
Journal of Computer Information Systems 62 (2), 267-277, 2022
The use of learning analytics to support improvements in teaching practice
D West, A Luzeckyj, B Searle, D Toohey, R Price
Innovative Research Universities, 2018
Can learners become teachers? Evaluating the merits of student generated content and peer assessment
D Murray, T McGill, N Thompson, D Toohey
Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology 14, 21-33, 2017
Engaging academic staff in transnational teaching: The job satisfaction challenge
D Toohey, T McGill, C Whitsed
Journal of Studies in International Education 21 (4), 333-348, 2017
Adaptalight: An inexpensive PAR sensor system for daylight harvesting in a micro indoor smart hydroponic system
J D. Stevens, D Murray, D Diepeveen, D Toohey
Horticulturae 8 (2), 105, 2022
Learning analytics: Assisting universities with student retention, final report (Part 1)
D West, H Huijser, A Lizzio, D Toohey, C Miles, B Searle, J Bronnimann
Sydney: Office for Learning and Teaching, 2016
Do students really want to know? Investigating the relationship between learning analytics dashboards and student motivation
D Toohey, TJ McGill, C Berkelaar, A Kadekodi, D Kaminska, M Lianto, ...
InSITE 2019: Informing Science+ IT Education Conferences: Jerusalem, 321-332, 2019
Collaborative research between Malaysian and Australian universities on learning analytics: Challenges and strategies
Z Tasir, SN Kew, D West, Z Abdullah, D Toohey
International Journal of Educational and Pedagogical Sciences 10 (8), 2900-2906, 2016
Stakeholder perspectives (staff and students) on institution-wide use of learning analytics to improve learning and teaching outcomes
A Luzeckyj, DS West, BK Searle, DP Toohey, JJ Vanderlelie, KR Bell
Adoption of data analytics in higher education learning and teaching, 177-200, 2020
Enabling commodity environmental sensor networks using multi-attribute combinatorial marketplaces
K Lee, AS Alrawahi, D Toohey
2013 19th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC), 115-120, 2013
Learner facing analytics: Analysis of student perspectives
D West, B Searle, J Vanderlelie, D Toohey, A Luzeckyj, K Bell
A low-cost spectroscopic nutrient management system for Microscale Smart Hydroponic system
JD Stevens, D Murray, D Diepeveen, D Toohey
Plos one 19 (5), e0302638, 2024
Analysis of an Electronic Voting System
N Thompson, D Toohey
Journal of Information Systems Education 25 (1), 13-22, 2014
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Articles 1–20