Parlo Singh
Cited by
Cited by
Pedagogising knowledge: Bernstein's theory of the pedagogic device
P Singh
British journal of sociology of education 23 (4), 571-582, 2002
Teaching and teacher education in the time of COVID-19
J Allen, L Rowan, P Singh
Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education 48 (3), 233-236, 2020
Global cultural flows and pedagogic dilemmas: Teaching in the global university contact zone
P Singh, C Doherty
TESOL quarterly 38 (1), 9-42, 2004
Recontextualising policy discourses: A Bernsteinian perspective on policy interpretation, translation, enactment
P Singh, S Thomas, J Harris
Journal of education policy 28 (4), 465-480, 2013
How the West is done: Simulating Western pedagogy in a curriculum for Asian international students
C Doherty, P Singh
Internationalizing higher education: Critical explorations of pedagogy and …, 2005
Policy enactment, context and performativity: Ontological politics and researching Australian National Partnership policies
P Singh, S Heimans, K Glasswell
Journal of education policy 29 (6), 826-844, 2014
Performativity and pedagogising knowledge: Globalising educational policy formation, dissemination and enactment
P Singh
Governing by Numbers, 65-86, 2018
Globalization and education
P Singh
Educational theory 54 (1), 103-115, 2004
Identity, othering and belonging: Toward an understanding of difference and the experiences of African immigrants to Australia
H Udah, P Singh
Social Identities 25 (6), 843-859, 2019
Institutional discourse and practice. A case study of the social construction of technological competence in the primary classroom
P Singh
British Journal of Sociology of Education 14 (1), 39-58, 1993
Mobile students in liquid modernity: Negotiating the politics of transnational identities
P Singh, C Doherty
Youth moves, 129-144, 2008
The challenges of participatory research with ‘tech-savvy’youth
KM Mallan, P Singh, N Giardina
Journal of youth studies 13 (2), 255-272, 2010
Review essay: Basil Bernstein (1996). Pedagogy, symbolic control and identity
P Singh
British Journal of Sociology of Education 18 (1), 119-124, 1997
Doctoral education, danger and risk management
E McWilliam, P Singh, PG Taylor
Higher Education Research & Development 21 (2), 119-129, 2002
Pedagogic discourses and student resistance in Australian secondary schools
P Singh
Towards a sociology of pedagogy: The contribution of Basil Bernstein to …, 2001
Pedagogic governance: Theorising with/after Bernstein
P Singh
British Journal of Sociology of Education 38 (2), 144-163, 2017
Performativity, affectivity and pedagogic identities
P Singh
European Educational Research Journal 17 (4), 489-506, 2018
Dilemmatic spaces: High-stakes testing and the possibilities of collaborative knowledge work to generate learning innovations
P Singh, M Märtsin, K Glasswell
Teachers and Teaching 21 (4), 379-399, 2015
The Australian curriculum: Continuing the national conversation
B Atweh, P Singh
Australian Journal of Education 55 (3), 189-196, 2011
African immigrants to Australia: Barriers and challenges to labor market success
H Udah, P Singh, K Hiruy, L Mwanri
Journal of Asian and African Studies 54 (8), 1159-1174, 2019
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Articles 1–20