Martin hand
Martin hand
department of earth science, university of adelaide
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Cited by
Thermobarometric modelling of zircon and monazite growth in melt‐bearing systems: Examples using model metapelitic and metapsammitic granulites
DE Kelsey, C Clark, M Hand
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 26 (2), 199-212, 2008
On ultrahigh temperature crustal metamorphism: Phase equilibria, trace element thermometry, bulk composition, heat sources, timescales and tectonic settings
DE Kelsey, M Hand
Geoscience Frontiers 6 (3), 311-356, 2015
Tectonic framework and evolution of the Gawler Craton, Southern Australia
M Hand, A Reid, L Jagodzinski
Economic Geology 102 (8), 1377-1395, 2007
Passage through India: The Mozambique Ocean suture, high‐pressure granulites and the Palghat‐Cauvery shear zone system
AS Collins, C Clark, K Sajeev, M Santosh, DE Kelsey, M Hand
Terra Nova 19 (2), 141-147, 2007
Boudinage classification: end-member boudin types and modified boudin structures
BD Goscombe, CW Passchier, M Hand
Journal of structural Geology 26 (4), 739-763, 2004
Neoproterozoic orogeny along the margin of Rodinia: Valhalla orogen, North Atlantic
PA Cawood, R Strachan, K Cutts, PD Kinny, M Hand, S Pisarevsky
Geology 38 (2), 99-102, 2010
Crustal architecture of the Himalayan metamorphic front in eastern Nepal
B Goscombe, D Gray, M Hand
Gondwana Research 10 (3-4), 232-255, 2006
Palaeozoic synorogenic sedimentation in central and northern Australia: a review of distribution and timing with implications for the evolution of intracontinental orogens
PW Haines, M Hand, M Sandiford
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 48 (6), 911-928, 2001
Compressional intracontinental orogens: Ancient and modern perspectives
T Raimondo, M Hand, WJ Collins
Earth-Science Reviews 130, 128-153, 2014
Correlations and reconstruction models for the 2500-1500 Ma evolution of the Mawson Continent
JL Payne, M Hand, KM Barovich, A Reid, DAD Evans
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 323 (1), 319-355, 2009
High-temperature granite magmatism, crust–mantle interaction and the Mesoproterozoic intracontinental evolution of the Musgrave Province, Central Australia
RH Smithies, HM Howard, PM Evins, CL Kirkland, DE Kelsey, M Hand, ...
Journal of Petrology 52 (5), 931-958, 2011
Intraplate deformation in central Australia, the link between subsidence and fault reactivation
M Hand, M Sandiford
Tectonophysics 305 (1-3), 121-140, 1999
Evidence for early Mesoproterozoic arc magmatism in the Musgrave Block, central Australia: implications for Proterozoic crustal growth and tectonic reconstructions of Australia
BP Wade, KM Barovich, M Hand, IR Scrimgeour, DF Close
The Journal of geology 114 (1), 43-63, 2006
Temporal constraints on the timing of high-grade metamorphism in the northern Gawler Craton: implications for assembly of the Australian Proterozoic
JL Payne, M Hand, KM Barovich, BP Wade
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 55 (5), 623-640, 2008
Controls on the locus of intraplate deformation in central Australia
M Sandiford, M Hand
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 162 (1-4), 97-110, 1998
Provenance of metasedimentary rocks in the northern Gawler Craton, Australia: implications for Palaeoproterozoic reconstructions
JL Payne, KM Barovich, M Hand
Precambrian Research 148 (3-4), 275-291, 2006
The hot southern continent: heat flow and heat production in Australian Proterozoic terranes
S McLaren, M Sandiford, M Hand, N Neumann, L Wyborn, I Bastrakova
Special Papers-geological Society of America, 157-168, 2003
Structure of the Kaoko Belt, Namibia: progressive evolution of a classic transpressional orogen
B Goscombe, M Hand, D Gray
Journal of Structural Geology 25 (7), 1049-1081, 2003
Provenance and tectonic development of the late Archaean Gawler Craton, Australia; U–Pb zircon, geochemical and Sm–Nd isotopic implications
G Swain, A Woodhouse, M Hand, K Barovich, M Schwarz, CM Fanning
Precambrian Research 141 (3-4), 106-136, 2005
Constraints on the Proterozoic evolution of the Aravalli–Delhi Orogenic belt (NW India) from monazite geochronology and mineral trace element geochemistry
IS Buick, C Clark, D Rubatto, J Hermann, M Pandit, M Hand
Lithos 120 (3-4), 511-528, 2010
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