Maree Bernoth
Maree Bernoth
Senior Lecturer, Charles Sturt University, Australia
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Cited by
Conceptualisations and perceptions of the nurse preceptor's role: A scoping review
F Trede, K Sutton, M Bernoth
Nurse education today 36, 268-274, 2016
Sharing and valuing older Aboriginal people’s voices about social and emotional wellbeing services: a strength-based approach for service providers
C Gibson, J Crockett, P Dudgeon, M Bernoth, M Lincoln
Aging & Mental Health 24 (3), 481-488, 2020
Information management in aged care: Cases of confidentiality and elder abuse
M Bernoth, E Dietsch, OK Burmeister, M Schwartz
Journal of Business Ethics 122, 453-460, 2014
Enhancing connectedness through peer training for community-dwelling older people: A person centred approach
OK Burmeister, M Bernoth, E Dietsch, M Cleary
Issues in Mental Health Nursing 37 (6), 406-411, 2016
Factors influencing the development and implementation of advanced radiographer practice in Australia - a qualitative study using an interpretative phenomenological approach
R Page, B., Bernoth, M.,& Davidson
Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences, 2014
Forced into exile: the traumatising impact of rural aged care service inaccessibility
MA Bernoth, E Dietsch, C Davies
Rural and Remote Health 12 (1), 118-125, 2012
Safe bodies: Solving a dilemma in workplace education
M Somerville, M Bernoth
Centre for Learning and Work Research, 2001
‘Two dead frankfurts and a blob of sauce’: The serendipity of receiving nutrition and hydration in Australian residential aged care
MA Bernoth, E Dietsch, C Davies
Collegian: Journal of the Royal College of Nursing Australia, 2013
Noninvasive ventilation for acute exacerbations of asthma: A systematic review of the literature
E Green, P Jain, M Bernoth
Australian Critical Care 30 (6), 289-297, 2017
The impact of a participatory care model on work satisfaction of care workers and the functionality, connectedness, and mental health of community-dwelling older people
M Bernoth, OK Burmeister, M Morrison, MZ Islam, F Onslow, M Cleary
Issues in Mental Health Nursing 37 (6), 429-435, 2016
Do nurses in acute care settings administer PRN analgesics equally to patients with dementia compared to patients without dementia?
E Green, M Bernoth, S Nielsen
Collegian 23 (2), 233-239, 2016
I’d rather die happy’: residents’ experiences with food regulations, risk and food choice in residential aged care. A qualitative study
A Bailey, S Bailey, M Bernoth
Contemporary nurse 53 (6), 597-606, 2017
Safe bodies: Solving a workplace learning dilemma
M Somerville, M Bernoth
Proceedings of the 9th Annual International Conference on Post-Compulsory …, 2001
Manual handling in aged care:: The meaning and significance for practitioners
M Bernoth
I am looking for my truth: A hermeneutic phenomenological study focusing on undergraduate nursing students' journeys in Indigenous Australian cultural competence
J Biles, J Coyle, M Bernoth, B Hill
Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues 19 (1-2), 161-175, 2016
Healthy ageing and aged care
M Bernoth, D Winkler, (eds)
South Melbourne, Australian: Oxford University Press, 2017
... and the word was made flesh'. The impact of discourses of embodiment in promoting safe manual handling practice in aged care
MA Bernoth
Indigenous approaches to research
S O’Sullivan, B Hill, M Bernoth, S Mlcek
Nursing and midwifery research: Methods and appraisal for evidence-based …, 2016
Partnerships for learning and mentoring in aged care
J Anderson, M Bernoth, L Croxon
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal 24 (7), 36-36, 2017
I am looking for my truth: undergraduate nursing student's journey in Indigenous Australian cultural competence
J Biles, J Coyle, M Bernoth, B Hill
Indigenous Content in Education Symposium 2015, 2016
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