Susan Danby
Cited by
Cited by
Accounting for young children’s competence in educational research: New perspectives on research ethics
S Danby, A Farrell
The Australian Educational Researcher 31 (3), 35-49, 2004
Conflicting guidelines on young children's screen time and use of digital technology create policy and practice dilemmas
L Straker, J Zabatiero, S Danby, K Thorpe, S Edwards
The Journal of pediatrics 202, 300-303, 2018
Advice-implicative interrogatives: Building “client-centered” support in a children’s helpline
CW Butler, J Potter, S Danby, M Emmison, A Hepburn
Social Psychology Quarterly 73 (3), 265-287, 2010
Children as experts in their lives: Child inclusive research
J Mason, S Danby
Child Indicators Research 4, 185-189, 2011
The novice researcher: Interviewing young children
S Danby, L Ewing, K Thorpe
Qualitative Inquiry 17 (1), 74-84, 2011
How to be masculine in the block area
S Danby, C Baker
Childhood 5 (2), 151-175, 1998
Young children as rule makers
C Cobb-Moore, S Danby, A Farrell
Journal of Pragmatics 41 (8), 1477-1492, 2009
Children’s perspectives of play and learning for educational practice
M Theobald, S Danby, J Einarsdóttir, J Bourne, D Jones, S Ross, ...
Education sciences 5 (4), 345-362, 2015
What’s the problem?’Restoring social order in the preschool classroom
S Danby, C Baker
Children and social competence: Arenas of action, 157-186, 1998
Child participation in the early years: Challenges for education
M Theobald, S Danby, J Ailwood
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 36 (3), 19-26, 2011
Opening the research conversation
S Danby, A Farrell
Ethical research with children 5, 43-48, 2005
Exploring young children's web searching and technoliteracy
A Spink, S Danby, K Mallan, C Butler
Journal of documentation 66 (2), 191-206, 2010
Unravelling the fabric of social order in block area
S Danby, C Baker
Local educational order: Ethnomethodological studies of knowledge in action …, 2008
The communicative competence of young children
S Danby
Australasian journal of early childhood 27 (3), 25-30, 2002
Digital childhood
S Danby, M Fleer, C Davidson, M Hatzigianni
Technologies and Children’s Everyday Lives, 2018
Situated collaboration and problem solving in young children's digital gameplay
S Danby, AC Evaldsson, H Melander, P Aarsand
British Journal of Educational Technology 49 (5), 959-972, 2018
Creating spaces for children’s agency:‘I wonder…’formulations in teacher–child interactions
S Houen, S Danby, A Farrell, K Thorpe
International Journal of Early Childhood 48, 259-276, 2016
The serious and playful work of gender: Talk and social order in a preschool classroom
S Danby
Gender in early childhood, 185-215, 2002
Young children and digital technology: Australian early childhood education and care sector adults’ perspectives
J Zabatiero, L Straker, A Mantilla, S Edwards, S Danby
Australasian journal of early childhood 43 (2), 14-22, 2018
Reshaping doctoral education
A Lee, S Danby
International approaches and pedagogies, 2012
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Articles 1–20