Mohammad Hamiruce Marhaban
Mohammad Hamiruce Marhaban
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A current and future study on non-isolated DC–DC converters for photovoltaic applications
MH Taghvaee, MAM Radzi, SM Moosavain, H Hizam, MH Marhaban
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 17, 216-227, 2013
Review of visual odometry: types, approaches, challenges, and applications
MOA Aqel, MH Marhaban, MI Saripan, NB Ismail
SpringerPlus 5, 1-26, 2016
Rotor fault condition monitoring techniques for squirrel-cage induction machine—A review
MR Mehrjou, N Mariun, MH Marhaban, N Misron
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 25 (8), 2827-2848, 2011
Infrared heating in food drying: An overview
MH Riadh, SAB Ahmad, MH Marhaban, AC Soh
Drying technology 33 (3), 322-335, 2015
Review of control techniques for HVAC systems—Nonlinearity approaches based on Fuzzy cognitive maps
F Behrooz, N Mariun, MH Marhaban, MA Mohd Radzi, AR Ramli
Energies 11 (3), 495, 2018
A review of pneumatic actuators (modeling and control)
HI Ali, S Noor, SM Bashi, MH Marhaban
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 3 (2), 440-454, 2009
Artificial neural network-based kinematics Jacobian solution for serial manipulator passing through singular configurations
AT Hasan, N Ismail, AMS Hamouda, I Aris, MH Marhaban, H Al-Assadi
Advances in Engineering Software 41 (2), 359-367, 2010
Prediction of the metallurgical performances of a batch flotation system by image analysis and neural networks
A Jahedsaravani, MH Marhaban, M Massinaei
Minerals Engineering 69, 137-145, 2014
Design of FPGA based sliding mode controller for robot manipulator
F Piltan, N Sulaiman, MH Marhaban, A Nowzary, M Tohidian
International Journal of Robotic and Automation 2 (3), 183-204, 2011
Design and implementation of FPGA-based systems-a review
ZAO Nasri Sulaiman, MH Marhaban, MN Hamidon
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 3 (4), 3575-3596, 2009
EMG processing based measures of fatigue assessment during manual lifting
EF Shair, SA Ahmad, MH Marhaban, SB Mohd Tamrin, AR Abdullah
BioMed research international 2017 (1), 3937254, 2017
An adaptive sliding surface slope adjustment in PD sliding mode fuzzy control for robot manipulator
F Piltan, N Sulaiman, S Soltani, MH Marhaban, R Ramli
International Journal of Control and Automation 4 (3), 65-76, 2011
The application of internal grading system technologies for agricultural products–Review
MSM Alfatni, ARM Shariff, MZ Abdullah, MHB Marhaban, OMB Saaed
Journal of Food Engineering 116 (3), 703-725, 2013
Broken rotor bar fault detection and classification using wavelet packet signature analysis based on fourier transform and multi-layer perceptron neural network
S Zolfaghari, SBM Noor, M Rezazadeh Mehrjou, MH Marhaban, N Mariun
Applied Sciences 8 (1), 25, 2017
An image segmentation algorithm for measurement of flotation froth bubble size distributions
A Jahedsaravani, M Massinaei, MH Marhaban
Measurement 111, 29-37, 2017
FPGA-based fuzzy logic: design and applications-a review
N Sulaiman, ZA Obaid, MH Marhaban, MN Hamidon
International Journal of Engineering and Technology 1 (5), 491, 2009
Comparison of ANN and P&O MPPT methods for PV applications under changing solar irradiation
R Khanaki, MAM Radzi, MH Marhaban
2013 IEEE Conference on Clean Energy and Technology (CEAT), 287-292, 2013
Design Adaptive Fuzzy Robust Controllers for Robot Manipulator
F Piltan, AH Aryanfar, NB Sulaiman, MH Marhaban, R Ramli
World Applied Science Journal 12 (12), 2317-2329, 2011
A Model Free Robust Sliding Surface Slope Adjustment in Sliding Mode Control for Robot Manipulator
F Piltan, A Zare, NB Sulaiman, MH Marhaban, R Ramli
World Applied Science Journal 12 (12), 2330-2336, 2011
Vision-based system for line following mobile robot
AH Ismail, HR Ramli, MH Ahmad, MH Marhaban
2009 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics & Applications 2, 642-645, 2009
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Articles 1–20