Wahid Ferdous
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Cited by
New advancements, challenges and opportunities of multi-storey modular buildings–A state-of-the-art review
W Ferdous, Y Bai, TD Ngo, A Manalo, P Mendis
Engineering structures 183, 883-893, 2019
Recycling of landfill wastes (tyres, plastics and glass) in construction–A review on global waste generation, performance, application and future opportunities
W Ferdous, A Manalo, R Siddique, P Mendis, Y Zhuge, HS Wong, ...
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 173, 105745, 2021
Performances, challenges and opportunities in strengthening reinforced concrete structures by using FRPs–A state-of-the-art review
A Siddika, MA Al Mamun, W Ferdous, R Alyousef
Engineering Failure Analysis 111, 104480, 2020
Failures of mainline railway sleepers and suggested remedies–review of current practice
W Ferdous, A Manalo
Engineering Failure Analysis 44, 17-35, 2014
Composite railway sleepers–Recent developments, challenges and future prospects
W Ferdous, A Manalo, G Van Erp, T Aravinthan, S Kaewunruen, ...
Composite Structures 134, 158-168, 2015
3D-printed concrete: Applications, performance, and challenges
A Siddika, MAA Mamun, W Ferdous, AK Saha, R Alyousef
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 9 (3), 127-164, 2020
Optimal design for epoxy polymer concrete based on mechanical properties and durability aspects
W Ferdous, A Manalo, HS Wong, R Abousnina, OS AlAjarmeh, Y Zhuge, ...
Construction and Building Materials 232, 117229, 2020
Geopolymer concrete-filled pultruded composite beams–concrete mix design and application
W Ferdous, A Manalo, A Khennane, O Kayali
Cement and concrete composites 58, 1-13, 2015
Comparative durability of GFRP composite reinforcing bars in concrete and in simulated concrete environments
A Manalo, G Maranan, B Benmokrane, P Cousin, O Alajarmeh, ...
Cement and Concrete Composites 109, 103564, 2020
Properties of epoxy polymer concrete matrix: Effect of resin-to-filler ratio and determination of optimal mix for composite railway sleepers
W Ferdous, A Manalo, T Aravinthan, G Van Erp
Construction and Building Materials 124, 287-300, 2016
A detailed procedure of mix design for fly ash based geopolymer concrete
W Ferdous, O Kayali, A Khennane
Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS), 2013
Testing and modelling the fatigue behaviour of GFRP composites–Effect of stress level, stress concentration and frequency
W Ferdous, A Manalo, J Peauril, C Salih, KR Reddy, P Yu, P Schubel, ...
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 23 (5), 1223-1232, 2020
Novel testing and characterization of GFRP bars in compression
OS AlAjarmeh, AC Manalo, B Benmokrane, PV Vijay, W Ferdous, ...
Construction and Building Materials 225, 1112-1126, 2019
Waste glass in cement and geopolymer concretes: A review on durability and challenges
A Siddika, A Hajimohammadi, MAA Mamun, R Alyousef, W Ferdous
Polymers 13 (13), 2071, 2021
Static behaviour of glass fibre reinforced novel composite sleepers for mainline railway track
W Ferdous, A Manalo, O AlAjarmeh, AA Mohammed, C Salih, P Yu, ...
Engineering Structures 229, 111627, 2021
A novel hybridised composite sandwich core with Glass, Kevlar and Zylon fibres–Investigation under low-velocity impact
S Zangana, J Epaarachchi, W Ferdous, J Leng
International Journal of Impact Engineering 137, 103430, 2020
Bond behaviour of composite sandwich panel and epoxy polymer matrix: Taguchi design of experiments and theoretical predictions
W Ferdous, A Manalo, T Aravinthan
Construction and Building Materials 145, 76-87, 2017
State-of-the-art of prefabricated FRP composite jackets for structural repair
AA Mohammed, AC Manalo, W Ferdous, Y Zhuge, PV Vijay, AQ Alkinani, ...
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 23 (5), 1244-1258, 2020
Flexural behaviour of concrete slabs reinforced with GFRP bars and hollow composite reinforcing systems
M Al-Rubaye, A Manalo, O Alajarmeh, W Ferdous, W Lokuge, ...
Composite structures 236, 111836, 2020
Flexural and shear behaviour of layered sandwich beams
W Ferdous, A Manalo, T Aravinthan, A Fam
Construction and Building Materials 173, 429-442, 2018
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Articles 1–20