Cuk Tri Noviandi, S.Pt., M.Anim.St., Ph.D.
Cuk Tri Noviandi, S.Pt., M.Anim.St., Ph.D.
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Cited by
A limited survey of zearalenone in Indonesian maize-based food and feed by ELISA and high performance liquid chromatography
N Nuryono, CT Noviandi, J Böhm, E Razzazi-Fazeli
Food control 16 (1), 65-71, 2005
Antibacterial and immunomodulator activities of virgin coconut oil (VCO) against Staphylococcus aureus
DC Widianingrum, CT Noviandi, SIO Salasia
Heliyon 5 (10), 2019
A survey of aflatoxin B1 and total aflatoxin contamination in baby food, peanut and corn products sold at retail in Indonesia analysed by ELISA and HPLC
E Razzazi-Fazeli, CT Noviandi, S Porasuphatana, A Agus, J Böhm
Mycotoxin Research 20, 51-58, 2004
Bahan pakan dan formulasi ransum
R Utomo, A Agus, CT Noviandi, A Astuti, AR Alimon
Ugm Press, 2021
Ruminal fermentation, milk fatty acid profiles, and productive performance of Holstein dairy cows fed 2 different safflower seeds
CM Dschaak, CT Noviandi, JS Eun, V Fellner, AJ Young, DR ZoBell, ...
Journal of dairy science 94 (10), 5138-5150, 2011
Growth performance of male Bali cattle fattening fed ration with different protein levels in smallholder farms, West Timor, Indonesia
PK Tahuk, SPS Budhi, NN Panjono, R Utomo, CT Noviandi, E Baliarti
Asian J. Anim. Sci 11 (2), 65-73, 2017
Effects of energy supplementation in pasture forages on in vitro ruminal fermentation characteristics in continuous cultures
CT Noviandi, JS Eun, MD Peel, BL Waldron, BR Min, DR Zobell, RL Miller
The Professional Animal Scientist 30 (1), 13-22, 2014
Budisatria and J. Wattimena. 2016. Effect of Bali Cattle Urine on Legume Cover Crop Puero (Pueraria javanica) Productivity on an East Borneo Oil Palm Plantation
IK Mudhita, N Umami, SPS Budhi, E Baliarti, CT Noviandi, IGS Kustono
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 15 (5), 406-411, 0
Effect of Bali cattle urine on legume cover crop puero (Pueraria javanica) productivity on an east borneo oil palm plantation
IK Mudhita, N Umami, SPS Budhi, E Baliarti, CT Noviandi, IGS Budisatria, ...
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 15 (5), 406, 2016
Antibacterial and immunomodulator activities of virgin coconut oil (VCO) against Staphylococcus aureus. Heliyon, 5 (10), e02612
DC Widianingrum, CT Noviandi, SIO Salasia
Kajian produksi aflatoksin B1 kasar dari isolat kapang Aspergillus flavus lokal pada media jagung dan jagung+ kacang tanah
A Agus, CT Noviandi
Buletin Peternakan 40 (2), 133-137, 2016
Effect of Leucaena leucocephala and corn oil on ruminal fermentation, methane production and fatty acid profile: an in vitro study
A Irawan, CT Noviandi, BP Widyobroto, A Astuti, S Ates
Animal Production Science 61 (5), 459-469, 2020
Nutrients content of four tropical seaweed species from Kelapa Beach, Tuban, Indonesia and their potential as ruminant feed
K KUSTANTINAH, N Hidayah, CT Noviandi, A Astuti, DHV Paradhipta
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 23 (12), 2022
Effect of composted animal manure as fertilizer on productivity of Azolla pinnata grown in earthen ponds
R Utomo, CT Noviandi, N Umami, A Permadi
Journal of Biological Sciences Original Research Paper 19 (4), 232-236, 2019
Comparison of alfalfa, birdsfoot trefoil, and cicer milkvetch in combination with 25, 50, or 75% tall fescue in a continuous-culture system
CT Noviandi, K Neal, JS Eun, MD Peel, BL Waldron, DR ZoBell, BR Min
The Professional Animal Scientist 30 (1), 23-32, 2014
Growth performance, ruminal fermentation profiles, and carcass characteristics of beef steers grazing tall fescue without or with nitrogen fertilization
CT Noviandi, BL Waldron, JS Eun, DR ZoBell, RD Stott, MD Peel
The Professional Animal Scientist 28 (5), 519-527, 2012
Teknologi dan Fabrikasi Pakan
R Utomo, SPS Budhi, A Agus, CT Noviandi
Bagian Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak. Fakultas Peternakan. Universitas Gadjah …, 2008
The effect of planting material on nutrient quality and production of brachiaria spp
N Umami, S Widodo, B Suhartanto, B Suwignyo, N Suseno, CT Noviandi
Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Pakistan J Nutr 17 (12), 671-6, 2018
Pengaruh penggunaan aditif pada kualitas silase hijauan Sorghum vulgare
R Utomo, CT Noviandi, A Astuti, N Umami, L Kale-Lado, AB Pratama, ...
Simposium Nasional Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan Tropik. Fakultas …, 2016
Natural occurrence of aflatoxin B1 in some Indonesian food and feed products in Yogyakarta in year 1998–1999
CT Noviandi, E Razzazi, A Agus, J Böhm, HW Hulan, S Wedhastri, ...
Mycotoxin research 17, 174-177, 2001
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