Matthew Armstrong
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Cited by
A wound-field three-phase flux-switching synchronous motor with all excitation sources on the stator
A Zulu, BC Mecrow, M Armstrong
IEEE transactions on industry applications 46 (6), 2363-2371, 2010
Overview of maximum power point tracking control methods for PV systems
SE Babaa, M Armstrong, V Pickert
Journal of Power and Energy Engineering 2014, 2014
Suppression of line voltage related distortion in current controlled grid connected inverters
T Abeyasekera, CM Johnson, DJ Atkinson, M Armstrong
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 20 (6), 1393-1401, 2005
A nonisolated interleaved boost converter for high-voltage gain applications
M Muhammad, M Armstrong, MA Elgendy
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 4 (2), 352-362, 2015
Auto-calibrating DC link current sensing technique for transformerless, grid connected, H-bridge inverter systems
M Armstrong, DJ Atkinson, CM Johnson, TD Abeyasekera
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 21 (5), 1385-1393, 2006
Real-time parameter estimation of DC–DC converters using a self-tuned Kalman filter
M Ahmeid, M Armstrong, S Gadoue, M Al-Greer, P Missailidis
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 32 (7), 5666-5674, 2016
Active online system identification of switch mode DC–DC power converter based on efficient recursive DCD-IIR adaptive filter
M Algreer, M Armstrong, D Giaouris
IEEE transactions on power electronics 27 (11), 4425-4435, 2012
A near-state three-dimensional space vector modulation for a three-phase four-leg voltage source inverter
M Zhang, DJ Atkinson, B Ji, M Armstrong, M Ma
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 29 (11), 5715-5726, 2014
Advances on system identification techniques for DC–DC switch mode power converter applications
M Al-Greer, M Armstrong, M Ahmeid, D Giaouris
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 34 (7), 6973-6990, 2018
Permanent-magnet flux-switching synchronous motor employing a segmental rotor
A Zulu, BC Mecrow, M Armstrong
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 48 (6), 2259-2267, 2012
Adaptive PD+ I control of a switch-mode DC–DC power converter using a recursive FIR predictor
M Algreer, M Armstrong, D Giaouris
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 47 (5), 2135-2144, 2011
Improved method for the scalar control of induction motor drives
A Smith, S Gadoue, M Armstrong, J Finch
IET electric power applications 7 (6), 487-498, 2013
Topologies for wound-field three-phase segmented-rotor flux-switching machines
A Zulu, BC Mecrow, M Armstrong
IET Digital Library, 2010
Low order harmonic cancellation in a grid connected multiple inverter system via current control parameter randomization
M Armstrong, DJ Atkinson, CM Johnson, TD Abeyasekera
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 20 (4), 885-892, 2005
Analysis and implementation of high‐gain non‐isolated DC–DC boost converter
M Muhammad, M Armstrong, MA Elgendy
IET Power Electronics 10 (11), 1241-1249, 2017
A review of minimisation of output DC current component methods in single-phase grid-connected inverters PV applications
F Berba, D Atkinson, M Armstrong
2012 2nd International Symposium On Environment Friendly Energies And …, 2012
A simplified DQ controller for single-phase grid-connected PV inverters
AM Mnider, DJ Atkinson, M Dahidah, M Armstrong
2016 7th international renewable energy congress (IREC), 1-6, 2016
Design and control of unidirectional DC–DC modular multilevel converter for offshore DC collection point: Theoretical analysis and experimental validation
H Liu, MSA Dahidah, J Yu, RT Naayagi, M Armstrong
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 34 (6), 5191-5208, 2018
Rapid nondestructive-testing technique for in-line quality control of Li-ion batteries
SM Lambert, M Armstrong, PS Attidekou, PA Christensen, JD Widmer, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (5), 4017-4026, 2016
Investigation of the-Equivalent Model for Performance Prediction of Flux-Switching Synchronous Motors With Segmented Rotors
A Zulu, BC Mecrow, M Armstrong
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 59 (6), 2393-2402, 2011
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Articles 1–20