Brahim Medjahed
Brahim Medjahed
Professor & Associate Dean, University of Michigan-Dearborn and Rackham Graduate School
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Cited by
Composing web services on the semantic web
B Medjahed, A Bouguettaya, AK Elmagarmid
The VLDB journal 12, 333-351, 2003
Business-to-business interactions: issues and enabling technologies
B Medjahed, B Benatallah, A Bouguettaya, AHH Ngu, AK Elmagarmid
The VLDB journal 12, 59-85, 2003
Deploying and managing web services: issues, solutions, and directions
Q Yu, X Liu, A Bouguettaya, B Medjahed
The VLDB Journal 17, 537-572, 2008
A service computing manifesto: the next 10 years
A Bouguettaya, M Singh, M Huhns, QZ Sheng, H Dong, Q Yu, AG Neiat, ...
Communications of the ACM 60 (4), 64-72, 2017
Infrastructure for e-government web services
B Medjahed, A Rezgui, A Bouguettaya, M Ouzzani
IEEE Internet Computing 7 (1), 58-65, 2003
A multilevel composability model for semantic web services
B Medjahed, A Bouguettaya
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 17 (7), 954-968, 2005
A query rewriting approach for web service composition
M Barhamgi, D Benslimane, B Medjahed
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 3 (3), 206-222, 2010
Context-based matching for web service composition
B Medjahed, Y Atif
Distributed and Parallel Databases 21, 5-37, 2007
Preserving privacy in web services
A Rezgui, M Ouzzani, A Bouguettaya, B Medjahed
Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on Web information and data …, 2002
A dynamic foundational architecture for semantic web services
B Medjahed, A Bouguettaya
Distributed and Parallel Databases 17, 179-206, 2005
Urban high school students’ IT/STEM learning: Findings from a collaborative inquiry-and design-based afterschool program
M Duran, M Höft, DB Lawson, B Medjahed, EA Orady
Journal of Science Education and Technology 23, 116-137, 2014
Semantic web enabled composition of web services
B Medjahed
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2004
Privacy-enhanced web service composition
SE Tbahriti, C Ghedira, B Medjahed, M Mrissa
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 7 (2), 210-222, 2013
Self-adapting recovery nets for policy-driven exception handling in business processes
R Hamadi, B Benatallah, B Medjahed
Distributed and Parallel Databases 23, 1-44, 2008
Supporting dynamic changes in web service environments
MS Akram, B Medjahed, A Bouguettaya
Service-Oriented Computing-ICSOC 2003: First International Conference …, 2003
Customized delivery of e-government web services
B Medjahed, A Bouguettaya
IEEE Intelligent Systems 20 (6), 77-84, 2005
Composing and Maintaining Web-based Virtual Enterprises.
B Benatallah, B Medjahed, A Bouguettaya, AK Elmagarmid, J Beard
TES, 155-174, 2000
Organizing and accessing web services on air
X Yang, A Bouguettaya, B Medjahed, H Long, W He
IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics-part a: systems and …, 2003
Service composition for the Semantic Web
B Medjahed, A Bouguettaya
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
A two-phase framework for quality-aware web service selection
Q Yu, M Rege, A Bouguettaya, B Medjahed, M Ouzzani
Service Oriented Computing and Applications 4, 63-79, 2010
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Articles 1–20