Tim S. Jessop
Tim S. Jessop
NSW Department of Planning and Environment
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Stress, reproduction, and adrenocortical modulation in amphibians and reptiles
IT Moore, TS Jessop
Hormones and Behavior 43 (1), 39-47, 2003
Life history and the ecology of stress: how do glucocorticoid hormones influence life‐history variation in animals?
EJ Crespi, TD Williams, TS Jessop, B Delehanty
Functional Ecology 27 (1), 93-106, 2013
Cross-cultural consensus for waist–hip ratio and women's attractiveness.
A. F. Singh, D., Dixson, B. J., Jessop, T. S., Morgan, B., A. Dixson
Evolution and Human Behavior 31 (3), 176-181, 2010
Reptile responses to anthropogenic habitat modification: A global meta‐analysis
Tim S. Doherty, Sara Balouch , Kristian Bell ,Thomas J. Burns, Anat Feldman ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2020
Maximum body size among insular Komodo dragon populations covaries with large prey density
TS Jessop, T Madsen, J Sumner, H Rudiharto, JA Phillips, C Ciofi
Oikos 112 (2), 422-429, 2006
Interactions between ecology, demography, capture stress, and profiles of corticosterone and glucose in a free-living population of Australian freshwater crocodiles
TS Jessop, AD Tucker, CJ Limpus, JM Whittier
General and comparative endocrinology 132 (1), 161-170, 2003
Steroid hormone profiles and relative body condition of calling and satellite toads: implications for proximate regulation of behavior in anurans
CJ Leary, TS Jessop, AM Garcia, R Knapp
Behavioral Ecology 15 (2), 313-320, 2004
Evidence for a hormonal tactic maximizing green turtle reproduction in response to a pervasive ecological stressor
TS Jessop, M Hamann, MA Read, CJ Limpus
General and Comparative Endocrinology 118 (3), 407-417, 2000
Macrostress: do large‐scale ecological patterns exist in the glucocorticoid stress response of vertebrates?
TS Jessop, R Woodford, MRE Symonds
Functional Ecology 27 (1), 120-130, 2013
Limited effect of anthropogenic habitat fragmentation on molecular diversity in a rain forest skink, Gnypetoscincus queenslandiae
J Sumner, T Jessop, D Paetkau, C Moritz
Molecular Ecology 13 (2), 259-269, 2004
Interplay between plasma hormone profiles, sex and body condition in immature hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) subjected to a capture stress protocol
TS Jessop, JM Sumner, CJ Limpus, JM Whittier
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative …, 2004
Modulation of the adrenocortical stress response in marine turtles (Cheloniidae): evidence for a hormonal tactic maximizing maternal reproductive investment
TS Jessop
Journal of Zoology 254 (1), 57-65, 2001
Genome of the Komodo dragon reveals adaptations in the cardiovascular and chemosensory systems of monitor lizards
AL Lind, YYY Lai, Y Mostovoy, AK Holloway, A Iannucci, ACY Mak, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 3 (8), 1241-1252, 2019
Effects of developmental stress on animal phenotype and performance: a quantitative review
Eyck H., Buchanan K. L.,Crino O., Jessop T.S.
Biological Reviews, 2019
Demographic and phenotypic effects of human mediated trophic subsidy on a large Australian lizard (Varanus varius): meal ticket or last supper?
TS Jessop, P Smissen, F Scheelings, T Dempster
PLoS one 7 (4), e34069, 2012
Diverse aging rates in ectothermic tetrapods provide insights for the evolution of aging and longevity
BA Reinke, H Cayuela, FJ Janzen, JF Lemaître, JM Gaillard, AM Lawing, ...
Science 376 (6600), 1459-1466, 2022
Multiscale evaluation of thermal dependence in the glucocorticoid response of vertebrates
TS Jessop, ML Lane, L Teasdale, D Stuart-Fox, RS Wilson, V Careau, ...
The American Naturalist 188 (3), 342-356, 2016
The relationship between cranial structure, biomechanical performance and ecological diversity in varanoid lizards
MR McCurry, M Mahony, PD Clausen, MR Quayle, CW Walmsley, ...
PloS one 10 (6), e0130625, 2015
Demographic status of Komodo dragons populations in Komodo National Park
D Purwandana, A Ariefiandy, MJ Imansyah, H Rudiharto, A Seno, C Ciofi, ...
Biological Conservation 171, 29-35, 2014
Can camera traps monitor Komodo dragons a large ectothermic predator?
A Ariefiandy, D Purwandana, A Seno, C Ciofi, TS Jessop
PLoS One 8 (3), e58800, 2013
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Articles 1–20